Fitinfun on steemit for 8 months MY-NICHE contest entry

my-niche and steemit fitinfun.jpg

What do you know about steemit?

My niche is natural weight loss and I came to steemit in June 2017 for the Alexa ranking. I hoped to drive traffic to my blog, videos, art, and social media sites. Steemit has done that very well over these last months.

But surprise! Right from the get go; I started to make money for my work here. Not very much at first, but enough to get me more interested in posting here.

Your experience on steemit

Steemit has changed my life in many ways. I have a very low expenses in Thailand and steemit money has been covering a lot of them since mid-November 2017. This is a big relief and a big help to me.

Steemit’s benefits

  • This is my first time into crypto and I did not need to have money to get in on it
  • Finding people who care about and comment on my posts
  • Connecting with people who support my posts with regular upvotes
  • Getting my son @bxlphabet to join and be happy to post in steemit
  • Connecting with other people I enjoy working with.
  • Getting increased traffic to my other sites
  • Learning and accumulating other crypto coins through referral links

The downsides

  • I’ve dropped many balls I was juggling before I got into steemit since I work here so much now. Most of my other work is being neglected now.
  • I feel worried about things like whale wars and large power downs from major players
  • I feel despair that more newcomers do not succeed here. I look at this @arcange report and wish the numbers of little people like me were bigger. The small number of people at the top does not seem healthy.

acrange stats.PNG

Overall – steemit is very positive for me, I will keep working here with optimism.

This is my entry for the MY-NICHE contest by @awolesigideon with the theme of steemit.

fitinfun before and after difference.jpg

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