My Plans for the New Year: Hello 2018!


It’s just a few days to the end of the year 2017. Time really does fly. It seems like the first day of the year was just yesterday. And now, we are counting down to 2018. I’m all set, bring it on!

I’m not a big fan of New Year resolutions, but I’m not one to just sit by and watch the year unfold. I guess the bone of contention is the craze about the name “New Year resolutions,” I think it’s over flogged. I’d rather refer to what I hope to achieve in the year as part of my plans.


Get enough sleep and rest

For starters, I’ll like to get a lot more sleep and rest in the New Year. Most times, we get carried away chasing ambitions and dreams to the detriment of our wellbeing. Whatever we seek to achieve is to help us lead better lives, so why suffer ourselves in the process? Isn’t that contradictory to the whole essence of becoming better? When I sleep and rest more, I’ll be energised to go after my ambitions in a better and more productive way.


Pay more attention to my health

They say health is wealth, and I totally agree. You can only enjoy whatever you have achieved if you are in good health. If you work so hard to conquer the world and end up being sick, you may not enjoy your life to the maximum. I’ll pay a closer attention to my health. I’ll work out and eat right. I’ll be more careful about what I allow into my system for it plays a huge role in my well-being. I’ll visit the hospital for regular check-ups; early detection is key in fighting any ailments. That’s not to say I’m wishing ill health upon myself, I’m just being proactive.


Work smart

It’s good to work hard but it’s even better to work smart. I’ve come to realize that one major difference between people who are super-rich and those who are average, is that, the former doesn’t just work hard but smart. I won’t just work for the sake of it, but seek the best way to work so as to make the most of it. Every move I make in my work will be well calculated. In other words, whatever is worth doing, is worth doing well.

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