With the changing dynamics in our community, we think it is time to try and stimulate not only awareness of great articles and writers, but also interaction. Three months, we've been operating on levels of IINC's core, curating and reviewing the blockchain, handing out rewards to those posts and authors - we believe - deserved it. You may have seen us on posts from authors you may follow, or maybe on your own post. Maybe IINC is new for you; When so, check out our post explaining who and what we are (here) and what we do (here). Now, it is time again to expand our activities again, by eg creating posts like this to bring extra attention to those who deserve it.

In this publication, you'll find 6 posts of 6 different authors that not only caught our attention, but certainly belong to the top posts we've rewarded last days. We hope you like the selection as well!?

Weekend Festival Estonia

by @greddyforce

In a few words: Amazing article about the adventures and experiences of the author, visiting WKND festival in Estonia. Can we get more of these on our blockchain?

Did the cat enjoy as well?

image source: cover image of featured article


by @grobens

After not being active for few months @grobens is back! Yet again, he brings us a super article, well written, in-depth knowledge sharing etc etc. This time about song lyrics. Check this guy out, his blog and give him a follow if you like what you read.

image source: cover image of featured article

Greta Van Fleet: Led Zeppelin of our time?

by @gmenka

Yet another great writer, bringing us reviews of bands and albums. This weeks he talks about Greta Van Fleet. Check this one out, as you may like to check his blog as well. Informative articles, interesting bands and music, and certainly an enjoyment to read.

image source: cover image of featured article

Anisong - Summer 2018 (Opening Themes)

by @ascheriit

Personally, I enjoyed this post since it combines music with something else. This article is an example of how we like to see compilation posts; not just link dropping, but themed with informative textual elements. This one is about animations and music. You may also like to check out authors other post which got rewarded by a large Curie vote; Not so much about music, but simply an Amazing post here!

image source: cover image of featured article

Our experience with SOFAR SOUNDS NYC & other updates

by @breakoutthecrazy

How to embark a musical adventure? Well, read this post about author's success to enter into a live living room event, creating music with totally strangers.

For a while now we've been hearing about this new thing all our artist friends were doing called SoFar Sounds. "It's this thing where you can perform in a living room full of people who didn't even know who you were 5 minutes ago" -they said.
We knew we had to get involved as soon as we heard this of course.

image source: cover image of featured article

12,000 year old Settlement Covered By Water! - The Story About the Traveling Band CASPIAN CARAVAN and the Story Overland To India part #8 - Hasankeyf, Turkey

by @frejafri

WOW, the travelling experiences of an artist. Not so much about music itself, but she takes us on a tour she experienced herself firsthand. This is part 8 already, with lots of photographs, information and more. Check out all the local instruments at the lower end of the post; Cool!

image source: cover image of featured article


Let us know in the comment section, whether you have comments to this post, the article series in general, or have suggestions for this series. We are always open for positive criticism and improvements.


written by @edje aka @qsounds
supported by @mammasitta aka @massivevibration

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