Why we must DIE

Hi 👋 Hivers 😊
Greetings from here

Today I will be writing on why you must “DIE” 😉.

Firstly I know the caption for this post must have triggered some fears and worries😧 but it’s for our own benefits. You’ll be asking yourself why, I will tell you why, pls keep reading 📖. I will share little story of myself and why DIE is important to each and everyone.

After I close from work I go to this basket ball 🏀 court around my area where we have some local gym equipments that you can see in the background.
Growing up I always have this passion for exercising, can’t go a day without working out 🏋️‍♀️.

Initially I was doing it for the fun of it, looking good also fitting perfectly in any cloth I wear, doing this I got to realize that my immune system became very strong that I hardly fall sick. I can actually stay a whole year sickness free.

Some people workout 🏋️ to loose weight by burning 🔥 fat, some do it to keep fit.
From my understanding over the years keeping fit and loosing weight are two different things.

You can go to the gym to keep fit but you’ll help yourself more to loose that weight if you watch your diet. It’s even faster to go from fat to thin only by watching what you eat.

You can see the improvement below 👇🏾 , boy was 🔥, I won’t lie it feels so good when walking and someone(especially girls)says you look hot 😉, mehn that compliment alone is always a motivation to run 🏃‍♂️ to the gym the next day with so much energy cos I want to look hot for the ladies 😉, I will put in my very best and ensure I challenge myself to do better than the previous day.

If you look closely in the above picture you will see some water💧 droppings. I was literally doing a home exercise under a tank of water that was full of water and pouring out, had to be creative that day, I called my bro to come take a pix of me cos I want it to be sexy for the girls 😂

I was now called “baba for the girls 👧” .
Ok okay ok!! Apart from being hot and good looking I was also improving my health in diverse areas which even got me more inspired.

•It helps me prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss.
•It controls weight.
•It combats health conditions and diseases.
•It improves mood.
•It boosts energy.
•It helps promotes better sleep. ...
•It puts the spark back into your sex 🙈 life.
•Exercise can be fun … and social!

Other benefits includes 👇🏾
•It Improve your memory and brain function (all age groups).
•Protect against many chronic diseases.
•Lower blood pressure and improve heart health.
•Reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
•Combat cancer-related fatigue.

Do you know when ever I go swimming 🏊‍♀️ which is also a form of exercising, I feel so proud 🥹 to take of my cloths off cos man is hot 😂. Guess what happens when I’m in the pool 🏊 …… the girls cling on me like I’m their life jacket 😂

Knowing all this awesome benefits now you see the reason why you must DIE(do it everyday).

Thanks guys for your time. Let’s keep keeping fit by “doing it everyday”(DIE) 😊 🙏.

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