RE: RE: Muslims are real people just like everyone else - Don't believe the media hype
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RE: Muslims are real people just like everyone else - Don't believe the media hype

RE: Muslims are real people just like everyone else - Don't believe the media hype

Extremely good points.

It seems there is always some unfortunate group that is the subject of "popular hatred" and used as a scapegoat by those in power. A "Bogey-man" to scare people with, a fall-guy to take the blame for when things are going horrendously wrong.

This falls under the philosophical notion of "Othering", where you blame/hate/fear a group that is "The Other" because they are "Different".

In the 1930's/1940's Germany, it was the Jews. We all saw how that worked out. In the West, at our current time, its Islam.

At the end of the day, we all eat, breathe, fuck, shit, and die. We are all the same. Hating each other just makes everyone miserable, and makes the world a darker, more unpleasant place to live in.

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