The CEO of Twitter would like you to know that you are brainwashed if you believe or participate in any of the following things:


  1. Gay people are people, with full human and constitutional rights.

  2. Trans people are people with full human and constitutional rights.

  3. Muslims are people with full human and constitutional rights.

  4. Buddhists are people with full human and constitutional rights.

  5. If you believe that institutional racism exists (and has always existed) in this country, and indeed, through-out most of the world.

  6. If you believe that Planned Parenthood provides vital care to women.

  7. If you understand that properly worn masks attenuate viral and bacterial contagion via respiratory droplets

  8. If you understand that vaccines save (and have saved, and will continue to save) countless lives.

  9. If you believe that women are and should be full participants in society, with full agency. (One can't help but notice that the meme he chose places the "equality for women" symbol as a figurative fist punching someone in the genitals)

  10. You participate in social media... including the company he owns and manages.

And then there is some whaarglebaargle about Google, CNN, Communism, Tarot Decks, and astrology.

You're not going to catch me defending Communism, Tarot Decks, or astrology, end of sentence. Nor will you catch me (or any other intelligent human being) lumping "Communism, Tarot, and Astrology" in with immunology, and the rights of women, muslims, buddhists, etc.

Those of you that are uncritically sharing the image that Mr. Musk posted.... what is wrong with you?

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