Musing 48

Planned obsolescence

It sounds like a Zen idea: make a product ready to use, right now, and repeat as and when. But it gives a lot of waste.

Enjoy Scotty Kilmer's video to learn why plastic sucks (all your money up) by clicking on the header.

Over-engineerig is an end-product of over-thinking. It is doing going crooked from thinking too straight. You have got to learn to weave (energetically). It helps if you start young and chomp on a teething ring of wood instead of plastic.

The body is planned to disintegrate. It is overthinking the thing if you want it to last forever. How many times do you want to replace the parts in your high-tech Beamer? Unless you are into stylish lawn ornaments isn’t your vehicle about getting around? Maybe, it’s time we bought a bike, struggled up a hill, fought a head wind, or moved a baker into the area? Maybe it’s time we considered our life a paintbox?

Surrender and Integrity as Performance Art

Abramovic reminds us to be open to experience, which means daring to be vulnerable. Life is all about courage with the coeur at its stake. Anything can wake you up. However, I am not so sure, all paths lead equally safely to Rome, or happiness, or to eternal bliss (strike through which does not apply). No single artist or teacher can fabricate a general method to heighten awareness. Fortunately, most things work for many people. Few of us have absolutely nothing in common with anyone, so most of us will relate to someone.

If Lady Gaga chooses to meditate Marina Abramovic style, good for her. It is probably no more or less pretentious than following Elena Brower or joining a Buddhist Centre near you. Marina is a notable artist, first and foremost, through her fascinating and mesmerising personality. She has always been authentically herself, even if that was hysterical at times. (Or is the word: intense?) Is there any other dignity than integrity? Is there any better way to be integral than going in search of yourself?

If you see what she was able to achieve in The Artist is Present (at MoMA) it must make you think what energies are at play because of her simply taking the time to sit down - with or without you. Consider how you might be making it art by turning up (does a falling tree make a sound when there is nobody to hear it?). Can you make art without an audience (is your art then not "reduced" to journaling, biography work?). Or does any concerted effort go and are we all artistic for merely posting up a selfie or a pic of our capuccino froth? Could you achieve the same effect by setting up a chair and sitting down in a museum? (Answer from my security guard son: NO! you would be carted of and if you resist you'll be cuffed) So, you do need fame to find the artist in yourself !?How is that for a warped quasi-sequitur.

“Always when bad things happen, I get through it,” she says. “It is like how my father taught me how to swim.” He threw her off the boat and started rowing away. She panicked, figured it out, and then caught up with him. “In the end, I am alone.” Marina in an interview with Carl Swanson

Marina Abramovic, for more photos of her slim youthful self, equally as self-composed click here

We need to expand our consciousness and not have it possessed.

It all boils down to who you are.
But am I my life? Suppose I end up on death row? Or a thief on a cross? Where am I when I get lost in senility? Am I five again? Am I all I wrote down (gulp!)? Am I all I didn't write down (hope for my mum, yet)?

@erh.germany and I agree that your memory is the life-story you take with you. Whatever you have made of your life, it makes the story you have to tell to St. Peter at the Gates. No peeking at your notes, rehearsal is over, it has to roll off your tongue, now, or at least be hauled up out of the well of your heart and poured out from the grail of your voice. But how much truth is contained in any single memory? Does it get tested against St.Peter's notes!? Is this, almost, to ask, what is the value of a single perspective? Does it have a place in the caleidescope of man without the whole pattern? How do we interlink memories? On Steemit, perhaps? Do we need such a forum?

Lessons can be learned anywhere, but I perceive a particular trap on an energetic level with all mass media. Funny, most of you have already seen it for television or other social media platforms, however, here you seem to hope it will be different. At the same time, it is impossible to beat the monster (the machine that is run on cryptocurrency instead of love). It will be a Michaelic battle to engage on-line. It will proove only a fight worth fighting in tightly knit creative-thinking communities for a fortress. (Not to be mistaken with artistic or spiritual communes.)

Money is a consolidation of energy and Economia thereby a sister of Sophia. The Economy with it Mercantile Class gradually redistributed the Power, ever since the Middle Ages, with the help of Media (Literacy and the Printing Press) to give some to the People (with a climax in the Communist Revolutions). My caps indicate the entities I perceive behind these facts - not just forces.

Money as energy serves as a nutritional force. This is how we rhyme getting paid for our time on this glorified social media platform. It is also what demoralises us when we don't get paid! We simply, quite literally, go hungry. However, I see the very system behind the nice idea of earning while you learn (to love yourself and elevate eachother) a hindrance at this stage for the evolution of consciousness. I cannot see how to solve it. But it just sits like an obstacle blocking the way. I hasten to add: no less or more so than many other social constructs in our societies. This is the bane of materialism and the gravitational (deadly) pull of possessions.

We may have pulled away from the restrictive, controlling clutches of religion (and I refer here to a personal need for a parental Über-Self as contained in a God, who might take away your fears of death) but as fast as we have pulled away from one luciferic power we are drawn into the other ahrimanic one of golden promises to bank on.

The problem is simple to see. The solution not so easy to develop.

The daily exercise most of us - who gather here at least - take is commendable: we dodge the caricatures, and step away from the herd. We watch out for complacency and monitor self-admiration or clouded thinking. We have all met with the Dragon before: that corrupter of Egohood, debasing our intentions by fear or panic or lust into a craving for physical satisfaction. But the problem remains here, by virtue of the very medium. We are not a community for imaginative heart thinking. Just like the visitors who became participants in Marina Abramovic's performance did not become artists. This is not to deny their creative potential and every day creative solutions. But the art of attention is of a higher order.

Catch 22

I think the question is, can economy or religion be intertwined with art to raise consciousness?

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying artists shouldn't get paid (I don't know about exorbitantly, like Hirst, but still). And I usually advocate that art IS relgion (that which ties you back to a greater whole).

I am merely musing on the difficulty of being attentive without first feeling fully alive and how money or the religious leaders (be they popes, gurus, imams or your local shaman) distract. Sure, anything can inspire! I would make it my first perogative as a museum director to put Scotty Kilmer in an exhibit as a piece of life-performance. Indeed, I sometimes wonder whether Heaven or the After-Life, and the Parallell Dimension are maybe not comparable to museums or laboratories, where a life becomes framed or parameterered by what it was (memory chip) and is dynamic only in its binding and guiding force of I-ness.

I also wish to alert us to what Julian Barnes in his subtle, auto-biographically inspired musings "Nothing to Be Frightened Of" reminds us of: we don't know enough to know that we know there is nothing more to know about God. Be mindful that your atheism or agnosticism is not a form of ignorance that comfortably apeases the mind (is done with the whole God-Question).

The Abramovic Method: spectator as work of art

Of course, you don't have to be mindful at all. But I think that may just be the Catch 22 to prove you right: I think there might not be a lot to take with you after you have have shuffled off your mortal coil, unless you give it some mind or rather, to complicate things further: decide to wake up the Isis-Sophia (Eternally Feminine companion of the Logos) that is the image-creating potential of your Heart (and Soul).

This I then becomes critical to train up arightly.
It's arch-enemy or simply "dead-end" death, then becomes all encompassing. I think the Enso symbol (my avatar) reminds us best that we find ourselves in an almost closed circle.

Steemit is another mirror, which is fine, but do not mistake it for a questioning path that leads you towards the heart of others. If it is a gateway at all, be prepared to find yourself knocking at the same door you left through earlier.

Choose cautiously the type of training course you take. It must strenthen the I, but as a work of art, not a personality.

Gateway to Heaven, Pura Lempuyang, Bali; Denis Moskvinov

There is a time and a place for everything. Right timing is the key.

Learn and gain wisdom. Ray forth and wake up. Lay hold of the weaving forces.

Marta Stemberger, the Art of Harmonious Movement

Abramovic at MoMa, pic 1
Abramovic at MoMa, pic 2
Abramovic at MoMa, pic 3
Abramovic at MoMa, pic 4

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