7 Day Wayback Music Challange - Day 2 (Version 2): College Dorm Room Mural

I was nominated into the 7-Day Wayback music challenge by @detlev which was very nice of him. This will be my second shot at this challenge, having done one after @verhp11 challenged me a few weeks ago. Based on my past music posts and comments on his posts I guess he thought I would have something of value to offer this challenge so I am eager to see if I indeed do. This challenge made me really have to start thinking about the way back indeed. I grew up in the 70's and early 80s so that was a while ago.

And so here we are go again for a Day#2 of the challenge. I love these kinds of challenges, I have so many music related memories, and it is great I can write about them. Music has always been a big part of my life and still is, even today as an "oldster"!

This is more of an album memory from college where as a sophomore, my roommate and I had a friend airbrush the cover of Greatest Hits by the Steve Miller Band on our wall in our dorm room.


That is me on the left and a neighbor from across the hall in front of our mural, Room 306 Roskie Hall, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 1978. The Steve Miller Band Greatest Hits album was a monster seller with all his hits from 1974-1978, Plus it was a cool cover also. Lots of good songs to choose from but I am going with Fly Like An Eagle, slightly ahead of the others as a favorite.

Steve Miller Band - Fly Like An Eagle

I had some good times while living in that room. Great memories.

The rules:

  • Choose one song from your high-school/college years.
  • Write a few words about who made you listen to this song for the first time, what this song means to you (was it a breakup song? you blasted it at 100% on your audio system when you were partying with your friends?) whatever you want.
  • Write your text while listening to the song. As soon as the song ends, wrap up what you where writing and submit it.
  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated
  • Mention one person who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #musicwaybackchallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post

I nominate @calisay for this challenge, fully understand if you want to pass on this one, maybe you have already done it several times.

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