Music is the healing force of the universe

Dear friends and Steemians family, I welcome you to my page and I am sharing with you today “Music is the healing force of the universe.”

William Martin Joel is an American singer-songwriter and pianist. He was born in the Bronx, New York, and raised on Long Island, New York, He said and I quote,

“I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see life in terms of music."

Personally I think Music is life. Without music, the world would be silent and dreary. Music enfolds you in a blanket of comfort, giving you inspiration in moments of loneliness and sorrow. It is the harmonious articulation of people's thoughts and passions utilized as a meaningful and complex expression of universal communication. My love for music has grown immensely throughout the past few years and continues to grow without bounds.

I discovered my talent at the age of nineteen and as a result, my view of the world has changed completely. With the ability to write music, I embody emotion and inspiration. My personal inspiration comes from my daily life experiences, feelings and moods. It creates a gateway, in which, I am able to empower my own world of imagination and sensitivity. On the other hand, my emotions are released through precise and meticulous performances that envelop the soul and mind.

I think Music should be an important component for all people to posses in their lives. A music talented child should be introduced to music at a very young age. The introduction of every type of music from classical all the way to modern rock is important.

This gives a child the ability to form their own opinion to what they might like the best. Classical music can teach a child every aspect of music including, harmony, themes, dynamics, polymeters, and polyrhythms. These are the components that are scarce in modern music today. The three major components of variation are melody, rhythm, and meter.

Variation is an important key to teach a
child so that they understand that there are many different ways to diverse in what they want to do or learn about music

Thank you Steemians for taking your time to read my blog today, Have a great day.

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