Welcome to Dokkodo's blog! This is what to expect.

Hello Steemers!

Who is Dokkodo and what does he do?

I am a performer, composer, and producer of music of various styles. I'm one of those "Jack of all trades, master of none" types, but more relevant to this post, I am a vocal advocate for the rights musicians are denied or not made aware of, a music industry critic, and a self-appointed upholder of musical standards and artistic merit within music.

More on that later!

I will be writing under my pen name, Dokkodo, for this blog—my real identity is no secret and anybody with an internet connection could figure it out—because not all the opinions I will be expressing are my own and I encourage anybody to engage with me on topics they would like me to write on.

This is intended to be a space for any opinions/observations/news regarding the global music scene and the music professionals and audiences of which it is comprised. The usual laws of common decency apply to these posts and adherents to common decency will have their opinions weighed equally no matter how controversial.

My goals are:

  • Provide resources for people starting out in the music industry.
  • Create awareness around the exploitation of musicians, music industry professionals, and audiences alike.
  • Bring like-minded music industry professionals together with the aim of improving the quality of work and the standard of living for all involved.
  • Share content and advice for anybody who is seeking aid in any field (production, management/bookings/admin, performance, marketing, legal, and others).
  • Give a voice to people who have issues they would like to air out or information they wish to share regarding the music industry.

Most importantly, I'd like for people to engage with one another so that we can regain control over how music is created, appreciated, distributed, and seen in the media.

Now for my heroic and sensational soliloquy!

For too long, us musicians have been looked down upon in society.
"Oh, woe is the lowly minstrel!"
Our contributions to culture are diminishing rapidly and we are at the point where we will soon become obsolete and replaceable.
I'm here to tell you that YOU ARE IRREPLACEABLE! Your breath and your touch of flesh to metal and timber is VITAL more so today than ever before in the history of mankind.
We are at a juncture in our development and we can choose to swim with the rest of the school, or we can turn around RIGHT NOW and deny the powers that be our cooperation.
Most of us are complicit in a system driven by greed and run off the exploitation of the majority. It is high time for another renaissance; the beginning of an era of inter-connectedness and cultural enlightenment.
We must break the stigmas that hold us down, that create unhealthy minds and bodies for creatives.
Nobody is entitled to anything. We don't create so that we can be idolized by audiences, revered by our peers, and live in luxury (if this is your motivation then you are not an artist).
We create because we have something to offer the world and we need to give of our minds to bring peace to our frantic souls and the souls of those we touch with our mighty arts!
We are powerful, and together, we are unstoppable!
In the immortal words of Vanilla Ice,
"Stop [negative thought patterns], collaborate [with artists of any discipline], and listen [and support the art of music wherever and whenever you can]."
We cannot remain isolated. There is a wealth of knowledge to be had and complacency—in all its forms—is suffocating the arts.
Never stop learning, never stop growing, and never stop creating!

-- dokkodo out!

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