Conclusion and Intermediate Result of my $RAVENcoin

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Hello everybody! 😊

How are you doing?
I am good, having exciting things to work on today.
I am just making music for one of my NFT collections. Pretty excited about that! 😄 I have only very litle time for making music at the moment due to all that is going on. So making music is actually a very special experience right now unfortunately. 😅
But I am sure this will change again soon.

I now want to give you an overview of my $RAVENcoin project so far.

As this is obviously the first time I made an own coin, there is alot new to learn for me and as everywhere there are and will be obstacles on the way of this project.
I am always trying to be a very honest person. And I want to be true to myself and be as transparent as possible on this project also.
I am very happy about so many people supporting me on this very early stage and I believe you deserve as much background information as possible! 😊

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Some Numbers


So far, I have sold 114 $RAVEN for a price of 6,66Hive each. That makes 759,24Hive in total. I am pretty happy with this after almost a month of running this project!

I invested this money into 4 different designers and 2 animation artists who now bring my NFT ideas to life! I am pretty excited to see the outcome in the end! I already got to see some of the things, and I love them, they look great!

Do you wanna have a glimpse? 😛

This is only a small snipped of one of the collections, and of course I won´t reveal anymore upfront. 😄 But I hope it makes you as excited about the whole project as it makes me! I think it´s so cool that every designer has his unique style which is making these collections so different.

So, this is only the beginning. I have so many more ideas for collections. But of course, it takes alot of time for me and the designers to work on all that, so it´s not possible to bring all my ideas to life during this year. And also, this all costs alot of money, so hiring more designers would mean to first earn more funds, which I am quite confident about, but still, they funds need to be earned first. 😉

$RAVEN Holders

Right now, I have 39 $RAVEN Holders in total.

1 DIAMOND Tier Holder

2 PLATINUM Tier Holders

and 36 GOLD Tier Holders

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Obstacles and Difficulties

Like I already said, every new project has obstacles and a big learning process. So this is what I experienced so far and I will learn out of this. 😊

- Several $RAVEN Holders did not even have a WAX Wallet when buying my $RAVENcoin on Hive: When I announced the first drop and asked them to give me their WAX Wallet addresses in order to be able to send their drop, it seemed as if many people did not know until then that they need a WAX Wallet in order to receive the free drops.
- Several people did not react on my messages on that they should please send me their addresses. I don´t know, if it´s because they don´t have an address yet, or because they don´t care about getting the drops or they don´t read where I tag them in.

To be honest, I was a little confused about these points and also felt bad for quite a few days that people now have so much trouble in order to get my drops after already spending money on my $RAVEN. And why people who spent money on my project don´t react to anything. I spoke about this with friends to get feedback about the project, and thought about if I did anything wrong. I came to the conclusion that I did not do anything wrong really.

I stated from the beginning, that people will need a WAX Wallet to be able to get the NFT drops. So like my friends said, it´s not up to me to make sure people already have a WAX Wallet when buying my coin. There is a thing, which we all hear alot in the crypto world, which also applies here: DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.

So to state this once again. PLEASE read how my $RAVENcoin works exactly before considering buying it. Otherwise, you might not be able to get the drops, and I might feel bad that I can not give you what you are entitled to. 😅

What I thought about though, was making some kind of quick tutorial how to setup a WAX Wallet to then receive the drops. So I can at least support you on that.

If people don´t react to any stuff I do or don´t claim their drops... Well, I think it will always be like this and it´s ok. I should not feel bad about it. Because I gave people plenty of opportunities to do so.

My friend said, it is more important to concentrate and stick to the people who engage with me, collect as much feedback as possible to make this project better. And this is what I will do from now on. 😊 I appreciate it also if you just buy $RAVEN and support me this way, and are not interested in getting your drops. I am thankful for every support of course! I just hope I am able to give you what you deserve and what you paid for...

- Funding of this project: I thought about the price for what I might sell 1 $RAVEN alot before starting the project. But without having any empirical value, it´s hard to estimate the correct price.

I cannot estimate completely at this early stage of the project, but I might have the slight feeling that "only" having to pay 6,66Hive to get into the first Tier might be a little too less, to be able to fund a long term project. Because this is what I want to do: To be able to send out Drops in 1 or 2 or even 5 years to my $RAVEN Holders. This is meant to go on for a long time. So I need to find a balanced way to get long term funding.

No one likes costs which are raised, I am well aware of that! 😄 But this project and all the hard work that me and my designers put into it, needs to be funded somehow. I cannot make art and music for 30 or more hours a week without getting anything back. I hope you understand this point. But I still need to go on for some more time before figuring out, what the best solution would be.

- Last obstacle: Limited time and energy

I love what I am doing! I finally have the chance through this project to bring my ideas to life and to get into a state where I might be able to live from my music and art. How cool is that? Everything I did my whole life was to be able to achieve this goal! So I will not give up, no matter what.

But what I experience is, right now, doing this besides my normal work (well the money for food and apartment has to come from somewhere) is quite challenging! It costs ALOT of time, to get familiar with how to mint the NFTs, how to do drops, how to setup a discord server, how to best organize the $RAVEN Holders information and so on and so on. I have a chronic disease and sometimes, this is just too much for somebody beeing in a challenging health condition like I am on some days. I would love to have more time and energy for making even more cool stuff, and for beeing able to make more social media promotion for this project. But I can´t right now.

I am experiencing very much that I need someone helping me out with this project soon: An NFT Manager, a Community & Discord Manager, a Social Media Manager.
But without having the needed funds to pay someone, this will not be possible in short term.

That means: I will put all my energy and money into this project, but it often might take time, progress will be slow. I cannot burn myself out, because this will not help anyone... So guys, I really hope you understand and will be patient with me. Thank you! ❤️

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Next Steps

  • Apart from the NFT collections (which are growing beautifully), my next steps will be to try and build an active community in my Discord Server. I love engagement, and I want to reward active people even more! So prepare for some updates on the Discord as soon as I got the bots to work the way I want it to. 😃 Thanks to one of my best best friends @newenx for helping me with this! If you ever want to know secret secret stuff about me, you should kidnap and torture him, he knows all my secrets hahah!

Discord 120x120.png If $RAVEN Holder or not, I would be very happy if you join my discord server.

  • I have been invited to the Cryptomaniacs Podcast on next tuesday! They want me to talk about my $RAVENcoin, because it seems as if I am the first artist to registering an own coin. 😀 I am very excited about this, and nervous of course, haha! I hope this will also draw some more attention to the project.

  • I am trying to find more usecases for my NFTs in the long term. I hope to be able to give them more values other than "only" collecting them. So at the moment I am looking for project such as Wombat Dungeon Master to be able to stake NFTs to earn something with it. If you know of any interesting projects like this, please let me know. 😊

Well guys, I know this was a long read, but I hope it gave you some background information about the project. I appreciate every support so much! Every single one of you, who accompanies me in this journey, who helps me and is there for me to talk to when I need it: THANK YOU! 💜

See you soon!

Best regards,


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I am very thankful for everyone who supports me on my journey!!

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