Dominator Weekend Festival NL

Hi guys. I want to sahre with you one of my best experience at one of the best
festival experience.

 When i reach th![15403601_1361851357182928_6809632798181992610_o.jpg]( age of 18, one friend, from Italy, send me a message that i win

a trip to Dominator festival, a music festival about hardcore electronic music.In
that days i was in love with that music. I'm still in love with it, but i add many
others genre to my music library.

 Anyway, i wanna talk about the Dominator. Is a festival locate in Netherland, near 

Eindhoven, in Knegsel. It is an outdoor that is made to look like an apocaliptic
world, like in Mad Max movie.

 There are many stages, of diferent types of this music, like: speedcore, gabba

uptempo, makina, frenchcore and breackcore.
The crowd is one of more insane. That people don't care about anything, but will
never piss you of, on the contrary, they will start to party with you like you are
friends from the childhood. Here you can not lose your friends, because all guys
and girls from there are your friends.

 There you can make picturesc with models dress like they just came out of a movie

of Mad Max. But they are very atractive anyway.They also have a motorcycle show and off
road carting to say like that.

 One of the stages is put in the lake and you can enjoy yourself and with your friends

close to the stage, in water. That feeling is priceless, I bet for that!

 And last thing about this trip to Dutch music festivals, is that you cand see and visit 

Netherlands towns, and they are really magnificent with a lot of parks for walk and enjoy
your time, and not just that, they have an arhitectural attraction and a lot of museums!steemit_3.jpgsteemit_2.pngsteemit_1.jpgsteemit_4.jpg

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