Resolution: My Final Song of 2017


I can't believe that 2017 is almost over. This year has brought me so many fantastic memories and lessons I'll be able to take with me for years to come!

My new song is called Resolution. The reason I chose this name for my song is because Resolution will be my final song of 2017. It's also going to be the final song I produce on my old laptop. And it will be the song that carries my music into 2018.

When I was working on this song, I wanted it to have that old school vibe to it instead of focusing on making it sound organic and real. Because of that, I chose to do a few things different than I normally do. The piano has that over-compressed pop sound, the drums are programmed with a very simple pattern, and I left out several orchestral elements in favor of two different pad sounds that support the piano.

Even though I wanted the song to have that old school vibe to it, it was very important to me that it sounded modern. Especially with the drop, I combined elements of future bass, dream trap, and even a little tropical house. I really enjoy combing different genres of music because it sounds different from everything else that's out there, and it also forces me to be creative.

Please enjoy :)

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