Throw back Metal: Metallica's "Master of Puppets"

Yesterday my wife was shopping together with our oldes son so I went to our "laundry-room" to iron and fold up some clothes, and with that I always put on some music to make that time more fun :).

I usually turn on Spotify, as I did today, but today I searched for Metallica. It was a long time since I listened to Metallica because I personally think that their work from the latest years wasn't all that. I think it is a normal development for a band when they are getting more popular the music changes more towards a broader audience and the spikes are losing... But with Metallica (when you listen to the realt early work) it is quiet a difference.

I was introduced by Metallica trough their album "Master of Puppets" by my oldest brother. I think I was 13 or 14 at the time. He had a TDK-SA-90 cassette-tape with the album which I borowed from him. I remember the first time I heared "Battery", a great intro with acoustic guitar, not knowing what came right after that :)...


For already a lot of years Metallica is subject of discussion (especially Lars Ulrich the drummer) that they can't keep up anymore with the speed and timing of those old songs on their live gigs. And I agree, there is a lot of accents left out of the live performances from which I think takes the spirit out of the song.
I did found one performance of them playing Battery in 2017, that's comming close to the original studio version, and as you can see... It is hard work :)

Welcome home (sanitarium)

Another song of the Master of Puppets album I want to highlight is "Welcome home (Sanitarium)".
The build of this song is just great. The great (clean) guitarrif at the beginning, the slow start and the heavy (and later on) riffs are just awesome composed..

For me Master of Puppets is the greatest album ever released by Metallica with a upclose of Ride the lightning. Which is your best Metallica album? , would love to hear it.

Have a great sunny day

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