Tyger Judges Cypher Jam #55


Because my voice has been having issues I took a break from @termitemusic 's Cypher Jam and have not been putting out anything new of late . Termite had asked us all to judge #54 but as I had submitted it was against my ethical guidelines and asked him for a raincheck. So what better opportunity to cash in that check right now right ...

So let us look at #55's submissions :

first we have @burningzeal16 With I'm the Demon

@burningzeal16 You are definitely talented and you flow is solid in parts nice a quirky, I like that. The lyrix were a little brutal but hey you're a demon right ;) or at least you give birth to them in dubious ways ;) I liked the chorus on this one was my favorite part and the ending was cute. I wish the beat was a little louder though because a lot of it got lost in the recording. I am not sure on what you edit your vids on and if you are able to mix it differently on your next submission but it is just food for thought- overall well done as always, not sure I can scrub my mind from some of the visuals though lol ...

next is @scribblingwilly Aka Willy G. with Boogie Alert

@scribblingwilly kiddo you know I love the fuck out of your stuff you are so fucking talented. I love how your lyrix are always intelligent and even when you dream about groupies ;) I loved the poetic image of the cold ocean as your heart. Well done love :)

next is @redsfallin with R.E.D.-One Stands Mnemonic

@redsfallin Really nice solid lyrix here. I am always a sucker for intelligent lyrix. The flow seemed to snag a bit in two spots and I wish you had been a little louder. All in all though a good solid piece your strength lays definitely in your message that you eloquently put out there.

Now for my LSD tank mate Zig Aka @onemedia who gives us -Shark Wave

@onemedia I recognised the clanging of our last transmission UFO underneath there :D they radio static was a nice touch over the LSD ocean the spaceharp bringing it all together that shark was baked though lol ...P.S did you refuel the UFO you know how I hate finding an empty tank :P Last time I was stranded on regus 14 and had to be towed by martians ...

Last but not least @yakuhi with -Rubber Bullet Shark

@yakuhi short and sweet. There was one little tempo snag in your flow there but I am feeling the Political word drop here :) And yes as long as we have freedom and use it wisely we might be able to change things for good <3 - solid submission :)

So who won?

So first of all thank you al for your submissions it is always enjoyable to listen to your varied submissions these were all great and because I can I am awarding you all 0.5 SBD as bonus and little thank you for your work. That being said -

The Grand Winner is


Congratulations :D @termitemusic will hand you out your prize

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So that was it for my Judging round. It was an honour to serve this court ;) Hoping to participate in #56 if my voice will let me already working on it . Now feed me PIE!



(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the fair jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme) 1146410_626398614061443_1547687283_o.jpg


nan small.jpg

Artists & Musicians wanted for the One Project
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One small .png

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art courtesy of @PegasusPhysics




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this little girl was made for me by @barbara-orenya

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