It's not your fault you don't feel like dancing to live music.

"Dance with me!" someone grabs your wrists and their smile is HUGE!
The band is playing... LOUD... but you don't feel like it.
They say... "Awww you're a party pooper!"
You think to yourself, "No... I AM a fun person... I just don't feel like dancing anymore. Ever."

Guess what though? It's not YOUR fault! It's the band's.


I'm a full-time musician/singer. On ships... on land. I have played with hundreds of musicians and sang with hundreds of singers. What they don't understand: WE. NEED. YOU!!!!

You would be dancing if that band CARED about how good of a time YOU are having. You could FEEL it! This is a mistake musicians/singers make. They make it about themselves. "I'm here for money. I don't care about this place, one day I'll be famous... etc. etc. etc." So they fill the atmosphere with NOISE to get a paycheck and/or even screw one another in the process:


But LIVE MUSIC needs you more than EVER!!! It's a dying art in this culture! What do we do???

Start NOTICING if the singer is HAPPY. Support the live music/bands that have HEART. Stop supporting artists/bands that people are "pretending" to like because they are "hot" or seem to have an ego/think they're important or look like they have money.

SUPPORT MUSIC THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SOMETHING! Support live music that makes you feel LOVED or UNDERSTOOD when you're listening!!!

THOSE artists deserve support... and so do YOU :-)

Trust me... you'll want to dance :-)


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