What a weekend it was! Our first tour weekend of the summer

Hey Hivers!

What a weekend we had on the road. It started in Gotha, where we played at the Tierpark as part of the KulTourStadt e.V. program hosted by our dear friend Marcel. Tucked away in the center of the city of Gotha is a small little community run zoo, which every summer is now the host of different bands from across the country who come and perform for the people of Gotha. This was the second year that we were invited to play, and despite an entire of evening of rain, it was great to finally get back on the stage and play in front of people!

After a night in Gotha, we piled in the van and drove a few hundred kilometers north west to Hessen, more specifically, LICH. After spending a few hours trying to find a place to take an antigen test for Covid19, we made our way to the Buergerpark where we set up all of our equipment and had a small outdoor concert to all of the people in the area. The concert series was put on by the KunstLich e.V. and is a new concert series hosted directly in the park. This was an amazing little event row and we were rewarded with excellent weather, so the park was quite full for our performance!!! This easily became one of the highlights of the year (it's still a young year for the performer). Later that evening we had Ethiopian food at one of the best African restaurants in all of Germany (and a few Djudju Beers!).


The following morning we were up bright and early and on our way to Billerbeck, just a stones throw away from Muenster in north west Germany. There we had the honor to perform in the gardens of the Kolvenburg, a medieval castle on the outskirts of the city. Each year the organization has a weekly concert series, where they invite bands from all over Europe to perform special concerts and they were gracious enough to invite us this year. It was an AWESOME SHOW! We felt comfortable and played extremely well, still flying high from the great show in Lich!

This weekend was supposed to be recharging for us. A way to get our material tighter and shake off the dust as we get into the swing of the summer, and it worked... PERFECTLY! As long as we don't have a big spike in Covid19 cases and lose our "freedom", this is shaping up to be a good summer! Just what we needed after so much time stuck indoors!

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