Muzak anyone?

And so we are in 2019 .... WTF happened to 2018? I was so focused on the crypto bear market that I never noticed the time passing.

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So to my legions, yes LEGIONS, of followers and fans... my stalkers, detractors and haters {thinks}...'I could be so lucky as to have haters' ...{sigh} .... I say the following..

Wishing you all a HEALTHY, HAPPY year.... may every decision you make be a constructive, positive one. May your best moments of 2018 be your worst for 2019 ... and most of all...LIVE IN THE MOMENT . It may be a cliche but it is no less true ... Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future... but today is the present. So be PRESENT in how you experience your day, your loved ones, your nourishment and the spaces around you

Just some weird tunes I remembered from my young days which had a big impact on my thoughts and in some ways behaviour at the time...

Sometimes when we touch - Dan Hill

Not a Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan or Van Morrison but I loved that song ..... yeah, yeah, I know ... sticky stuff!!

Do you want to make love - Peter McCann

Now how many times did I rehearse that line .... never having the courage to say them out loud {sob} ...

Before you all slit your wrists or pelt your laptop screen with rotten fruit and vegetables let me quickly insert another ichy tune from that period of my life ... I argued loud and proud that the following artist was THE next Bob Dylan... man, can young people really be so opinionated whilst being so naive...

Romeo's Tune - Steve Forbert

Hokay, merely letting off a little bit of steam ... no where near the energy for Steemit these days !!

Thanks for stopping by...

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