Music - Crazy Times

Long time no hear. This idea of emigrating does create all kinds of chores and emotional conflicts. The emotional conflict I am referring to is the drive to minimalism. I am have separation issues about my hi-fi and vinyl as this is the latest decision.

On another note ... this Russia / Ukraine potential conflict seriously smells of US of A needing a war ... diversion tactics from their cesspool swamp and inept socialist policies.

Canadian truckers and the common people are doing freedom proud still... despite Trudope declaring a state of emergency.

Hold the line brothers and sisters

The Music - Freedom Fighters

Five weeks and we depart these shores.... it is ironic that with all these ridiculous plandemic mandates... probably the best place to be at this time is Cape Town !! I broached the subject with my better half of remaining for another three months ... but she advised that the good ship Italy Departure cannot be turned around on short notice...

A final parting shot .... and a majestic middle finger raised to Neil Young

Keep On Trucking For A Free World - Freedom Convoy Music

This is a seriously phucked up world at this present time !!!

Thanks for stopping by ....


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