The Heart Harmonizes with Another

This is my baby, my best friend, and my guitar Yoko. She's been with me since I was 7 years old. I've often thought to myself I don't where I'd be with out the melodic comfort she provides. Since the first time I held her to my chest and strummed that first string she's been my home away from earth. Still to this day I feel as if my heart beat harmonizes with each note. Over the years I've became one it unity with this beautiful instrument. In times I thought the world was bleak, one chord from Yoko and my mind was eased.
To be honest I've never felt like I was an "amazing" guitar player. That has never been an obstacle for my love for this guitar. To me it's about so much more than being a master. It's about being in tuned with something that makes you smile. Not just a normal adult smile, but the smile produced as a child. The smile you had when you were ignorant to the detrimental events life bestowed. Every time i feel the warm fret board under my fingers I get that nastolgic inspiration. When I hear the acoustics of the vibration from each string brushing against the pic I feel as if nothing can bring me down. I feel a since of euphoria, a since of simplistic wonder.

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