Three tune Tuesday and we are going to Graceland's


@ablaze has been doing 3 tune Tuesday for quite a while and we love the idea of it and some of the posts @stickupmusic has been doing it but I though I would join in too. it is a great way to listen to new music which is always something we want to do!


Our picks

This week we are all about Paul Simon, probably one of the greatest songwriters of his generation. His lyrical style and guitar playing have always been an inspiration. It is tempting in the blog just to pick 3 Graceland songs as it is such a great album it would not be hard to do. However, I think he is better than one album! He has definitely come into my life many times and has always left an impression.

Song 1

Now "You can call me Al" has appeared in my life many times and it is off probably one of my top 5 albums of all time "Graceland's" It is even appearing in my life again prominently as Mini Sub is learning it for his bass lessons so he is playing it. Now this album is one I used to listen to at full volume on vinyl. Apart from the great song writing it is all about the fantastic bass playing on this tune and of course this classic video!

Song 2

Now this earlier song from the 70s has become a classic over time and has been well covered. I love the changes in this song from the verse to the chorus. Now when this comes on everyone sings along and some of them even know the words....

Song 3

I am not sure this is his best song or his best work, "Rhythm of the saints" was released after Graceland's and has some amazing vibes but maybe not the clarity of writing that Graceland's has. However I picked this as after he did this album he went on a world tour which I was luckily enough to go to. So this album has some special memories for me in it. Also the standard of musicianship of the people he was working with and playing with was second to none, pure quality.

We love all types of music and hope that you like our choices!

Big up all the music in the world and the joy we get making and listening to it!

Stick Up Boys

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