Big Band Series Part 8, rehearsal 9 because I skipped rehearsal 8 to do income taxes on April 15th.

This post will be about April 22nd's big band rehearsal 9, not the big band's rehearsal 8. I skipped the previous Monday's big band rehearsal for a day off, to save a whopping $6, and to finish my taxes just in time! 🤢 Last Monday was April 15th.

The other bass player is reliable and I' grateful for that. It's healthy for her to read some different songs. She probably did her taxes early. I'm glad she is here to help me with the work load. We don't need to run ourselves into the ground.
For my previous post in this series, I featured our first concert. Take a look at that post if you wanna see how I got myself jacked!
Parts of the concert sounded kinda cool. Other parts felt like we performed the songs at a faster tempo than what we rehearsed. After further review I realized our director did indeed start the tempos faster. I guess since he is the musical director he has the right to. One of the most difficult songs for me to play jumped up 20bpm. I'll practice the songs faster now. Or should I say slower and then faster.

⑮ As I mentioned, April 15th is the day I skipped. No traffic images today. The novelty might be wearing. It's not real photography, right? Instead, I'll share an image of the gas prices from April 15. These are high gas prices for most people in Los Angeles. The average price is a few cents less when you get away from a busy intersection.

㉒ April 22nd was the next scheduled rehearsal date. These are the traditional parking receipt images from that day:

Yes, my window is dirty. It doesn't bother me. I look past the dirt in many aspects of life.

🎦 Live Broadcasts:

The links below will take you to Periscope where they fear Steem. Sometimes the first link takes you to the beginning of the broadcast and that is not always entertaining. If you are on a mobile device, skip around in Periscope by swiping downward. Or, click on the secondary links I'm adding. The secondary links have a timeline number. That's how I show where it gets more entertaining in the timelines.

1. "Tetrahedroseph was live"

I move the camera around a lot in the beginning of this first broadcast to show the drummer. I eventually set it down and play a song at 15:16. It's a Gordon Goodwin song that tries to mimic the classic rock song "Smoke On The Water." Gordon Goodwin is a modern composer. His Big Phat Band arrangements are usually fun and difficult to play. Look for his album's if you want to hear a very contemporary big band style.

At 21:15 we have a singer performing the song with us. The song is "Somewhere" from West Side Story. If you'r performing the actually music from the musical West Side Story it all seems kinda crazy. "Somewhere" is on of the more subdued songs on that musical. Many of our favorite Jazz tunes are from musicals.

"Somewhere" gets removed from our set list and we don't perform it at any of the concerts. I was hopping we would keep it. I spend a lot time working on it, but I never quite nailed it until later... while practicing at home. Maybe you can hear my mistakes in this broadcast. Half step key changes make life "interesting." Many vocal tunes use key modulation to give the song the feeling of excitement. It give the songs "a lift".

2. "Big band feet go pew pew"

The link above is the second broadcast. It's another broadcast where I show the drummer's feet. We can also see percussion player's shoes.
What? You think feet are not good to feature? It's obvious, you haven't looked up the hashtag for Venmo on Twitter. Do it and count the number of people offering feet images along with their Venmo deposit link.

3. "Desafinado boanoiche"

This third broadcast contain more feet, but you can also see the Trumpet section in action. Take a look at the guys switching between Trumpet and Flugelhorn. The trumpet section was missing a few players at this rehearsal. Two high school students do a fine job at playing all the other parts in their section.
This third broadcast also features the percussion player's shoes. Yup, more feet, more percussion and our other singer. The big band's other singer is actually from Brazil. She is performing a very Brazilian song called "Desafinado." A song written by a very famous Brazilian composer named "Antônio Carlos Jobim." Many people like Jobim's musical compositions. Jobim has composed many influential Bossa Nova tunes. Look for information on Antônio Carlos Jobim by clicking on his name.

4. "Big band is music too"

This fourth broadcast gets stable when I set the camera down and perform a song with a different singer. Did you click on the link above? I should have warned you. It gets more entertaining here at 02:11.

At 02:11 we take a stab at a song called "On A Clear Day." This songs is in a time signature called 3/4. Actually, it switches between 3/4 and 4/4. Can you count it? This is our singer's first attempt at singing it with the band. A vocal ensemble known as New York Voices has a popular recording of this arrangement that we are performing. I hope we keep this song in our repertoire.

5. "Big band doesn't grow on trees"

It's good to start from the beginning of this broadcast. I manage to catch a fun trumpet solo during the song called, "All Of Me."

Listen to the other fun stuff in that song or skip ahead to "Caravan." It's one of the most challenging songs for me here at 08:17.

After Caravan we take a while to start the next song. The next song is "Sir Duke." Click here at 21:09 to hear it.


In my previous post the budget jumped up by $100 because I thought I would be able to load while parked near a red curb. It was unloading for the school's event against a red curb was next to a closed construction zone. The yellow curbs were too far away and occupies. The other loading zones were farther way. I got really angry when I found the ticket on my car. I burned some rubber moving my car. Then, I talked a lot of shit. I'm not proud of it. I learned from my mistake. Now I understand that nobody cares about what musician go though to create music. We just eat up the music, pretend we love it, and then pay minimal amounts for it. Even tipping is done while musicians are performing. Not before. Like when you order coffee or get served by a cashier. What if the coffee is not good? Are you going to take your tip back? I bought someone is going to reach back into the tip jar.
Wow, $232.30! That is the total from the last post in this series. Yes, i tried to fight it. If you smart, this is a spoiler. I talk about why I'm adding the cost of the second ticket in the next post.
Anyway, let's get the new total. $232.30 plus the usually estimated cost of driving and parking ($6) is $238.30. I guess that's cheap for an education still.
You've noticed that I complain less, right? It's education, right? We should pay for it, right? The world is a better place because we pay for higher education, right?

The broadcasts above feature some obvious elements about big band. I will talk more about big band stuff in a future post, but hey, ask me questions about the stuff you have already seen.
Is there something I haven't talked about yet?It's not always obvious to me because I take things for granted. Sometimes something normal to me in my big band experience is not so normal to you. Let me know.
Ask me about something I haven't talked about. Leave a question in the comment section. I'll give your legitimate questions the biggest upvote I can.

🔊 Bass Stuff

I've talked about these bass amps a lot already. In review, its best to learn how to use your own amp. Learn how to balance the "gain" control so that you don't need to play hard. If you need more volume, start with the "master" volume knob.

The director asked me to bring my own amp today. I'm not sure what happened to the amp he was going to buy. I'm not sure why he asked me to bring my own either. I'm not sure if we will be able I solve the other bass player's feed back issues.

The GIF below features my Mesaboogie and my Fender Jazz Bass. Yes, it's actually called a Fender Jazz Bass. It have thinner neck than it's famous counterpart known as the "P-Bass." The precision bass also has a different sound to it and it's been used on many famous recordings. The Fender Jazz Bass was used by Jaco Pastorius ( and Geddy Lee of Rush (


If you can't see my GIF while viewing this blog in Wordpress, it's because I'm out of space. Get Steem because I'm not paying for another year of Wordpress. Steem platforms are better. Switch to Steem. You can't earn income on Wordpress. Sure, Steempress, but that is because it shares to Steem. Keep reading to see how much each post in this big band series has earned. It's a new feature in the "list previous posts" section of this post.

🔜 My next post in this series will be titled something like, "That guy who plays bass in a Big Band Part 9, Rehearsal 10: Grey skies on April 29th and silly bathroom images."

🆕 This list of previous posts will now include the amount each post earned after it's payout. This information was attainable thanks to I'm adding it to encourage user to SwitchToSteem.

NEW feature in my list of previous posts:

1. "2019 Big Band Series Warning from Steemseph" or earned $0.881

2. "Big Band Rehearsals 1 and 2 February 2019 Part 1" earned $12.041

3. "That guy who plays Monday night Big Band bass. Part 2 Rehearsal 3 scrambled and ticketed" earned $2.022

4. "That guy who plays Big Band bass gives an update. Part 3: Rehearsal 4 is neat and parking tickets suck." earned $1.477

5. "Big band Part 4: Rehearsal 5 Fancy Gear goes boink and a percussion lesson." earned $1.663

6. "That bass guitar guy who plays bass in a Big Band Part 5: It's rehearsal 6. Do We Sound Better?" earned $0.774

7. "Big Band Part 6, Rehearsal 7 for a concert that will cost me $126.30!?!" earned $13.437

8. "Big Parking Ticket Big Band, Part 7 April 2nd, 1st Concert: I get a $100 parking ticket loading equipment for the schools event." earned (still active)

Series's total earnings after parts 1-7 is $32.295!

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My music on BandCamp is here:


My music on BandCamp is here:

photo jun 04, 7 18 04 pm


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