TooMuchMusic / Nena / 99 RED BALLONS


"99 Red Ballons" es una canción que aparece en protesta al desarrollo de la Guerra fria interpretada por la cantante alemana Nena. Inicialmente el tema esta cantado en alemán bajo el titulo "99 Luftballons" (Neunundneunzig Luftballons), pero la cantante se dio la oportunidad de cantarla en ingles, la cual tome el lugar de la versión que recordamos escuchar popularmente.

Un "Luftballon" es un globo de juguete muy colorido y no un globo para transporte o investigación. El nombre deriva de la palabra alemana Luft, que significa aire, pero el sentido de Luft no califica el tipo de globo.

La canción aparece por primera vez en el disco Nena/99 Luftballons lanzado al publico en el año 1983. "99 Luftballons" llegó a estar en el puesto N º 1 en Alemania Occidental en el 83. Para 1984, la versión alemana también alcanzó el N º 2 en la famosa lista American Billboard Hot 100 chart y la versión en Ingles encabezó el ranking Singles Chart del Reino Unido.

If you have some time for me
Then I will sing a song for you
About ninety-nine balloons
On their way to the horizon
If you maybe think just of me
Then I will sing a song for you
About ninety-nine balloons
And that such a thing comes from such a thing

Ninety-nine balloons
On their way to the horizon
One could take them for UFOs from space
Therefore a general sent
A flying squadron after them
To give the alarm if it was so
There were present on the horizon
Only ninety-nine balloons

Ninety-nine jet fighters
Each was a great warrior
They regarded themselves as Captain Kirk
There was a great display of fireworks
The neighbors didn't understand
And soon felt offended
And in the process they shot at the horizon
At ninety-nine balloons

Ninety-nine ministers of war
Matches and petrol cans (gasoline cans)
They regarded themselves as clever people
Already on the scent of fat quarry
They shouted "War" and wanted power
Man, who would have thought
That someday it would come as far as this
Because of ninety-nine balloons

Ninety-nine years of war
Left no place for victors
There are no longer any ministers of war
And also no jet fighters
Today i'm making my rounds
I see the world lying in ruins
I have found a balloon
I think of you and let it fly


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