Just some words about the main music festival in Italy: the italian song festival of Sanremo

During the last days there was the Italian Song Festival of Sanremo, the most popular song contest in Italy since the 1951! Broadcasted live on the italian tv, the most part of the italian citizens watched it, because they like it or just because it's the main theme to talk about it druring these day.

Usually I don't like it so much, because the most part of the songs were  too melodic for me and I use to listen a different kind of music, but this year it was different from usual and not just because there were a lot of young singers and bands, but because the songs were really various, there were also some rapppers for the first time! 

At first: the festival was live for 4 days, from the 9:00PM to the 1 AM, a lot of hours and I watched it just few time at day to listen some songs, not all the time.

I have to say  that I appreciated some "old" (old just because they are on the scenes from a lot of years!) singers like Loredana Bertè who is really a "lioness"  with a powerful voice and wonderful legs at 68 years old! I also appreciated the most part of the artists there and I can't wrote something about everyone of them because they was 24, but I'm happy to say that the winners was my favorit song "Soldi" (in italian means "money") by the singer called Mahmood. Mahmood is the nickname of a young man who has a really beautiful voice who touched my soul! 

The song is in italian and so I know it's difficult (impossible, if you don't know the italian language) to appreciate the text, but if you listen his voice, you can see the same "warm" sound I listen.

This singer was not so famous here (for me, it was the fisrt time I heard him), but now everyone knows him thanks the festival and he will be to the Eurovision Song Contest to represent my country and I say "WOW", because in the past years I don't ike so much the italian performance during the Eurovision ^_^

See ya soon


silvia beneforti

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