My Music, and how best to use Steemit.

Steemit is a platform for content,  but the difference between Steemit and other social media platforms is its ability to incentivize creativity and reward good quality content. 

So, with this in mind I aim to write a blog post to share some of my songs, my journey as an artist, and some tips on how to use Steemit. 

I put a fair amount of effort into my first post, using the introduceryourself tag (which is a great place to start your first post - if you've just arrived.)

The response - $20 which - was reasonably positive reward for just introducing myself on a new social media platform! I then went on to find the openmic community. For anyone who isnt familiar - it is a weekly competition for musicans to perform to a growing community. It is one example of the many succesfull community run projects on the platform. 

I posted a video of my girlfriend @thisisjordan and I singing an ever so slightly cheesy love song, and it did quite well.  Earning around $130

What followed was a few lazy posts and no surprise, I failed to earn much for my efforts.  It's easy to respond by saying "Steemit just does't work", or that "its too complicated". But what if I had instead responded by putting more effort into the content I was creating?  The inflation or deflation of our ego can so often influence our productivity, but whats really matters is that we keep working towards our goals. 

Whilst still discovering the platform now myself, and excited by its potential - I am still learning. It can be tricky, and it take some time and effort. But is a space in which friends, supporters and fans alike, can be part of the journey. Making use of our time and giving value to our efforts. Rather than supporting ready made artists, Steemit can be a platform where people can influence and contribute. Much like a digital venue, facilitating events. We are able to pursue interests with like minded people, with an incentive to support each other, challenge and inspire. The work is finding value in what we do. 

In a world full of marketing it is necessary, at least to some degree to concentrate your ideas into a name, a theme, a genre or something people can remember by association as a brand. A unique selling point.

So for this creative purpose - 

I have created...

I recently posted these three on Soundcloud and started a few social media accounts. I have had the demos for near enough six months in this form. But often found myself thinking they were not ready. True this may be, in some way it does not mean they should be held back or retracted.

Having worked on a  loose set of songs and ideas for perhaps two years, it has been exciting rehearsing with a full band. Working under L.A.W as a concept keeps space for a different kind of writing, being able to write from a feminine side. Its also sometimes easier to work without the pressure of second guessing the idea of yourself performing, and the judgement that brings. Thats itself is a stage fright, that can put a stop to something before its started.  

The songs contain often similar progressions with variations of timings of chord changes and/or melodies and different versions of the same songs. In an attempt to not get too attached to any set of chords, notes or progressions and always keeping room to develop further. Having now amassed a body of work - some of which is finished, some is just beginning.

There is always the lingering trouble of not knowing when something is ready, and that which can be undercooked, can also be overcooked.

The truth is nothing is finished and everything is ready - they will always be changing, as everything is, and as we always do.

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