Halloween Music Ahead // Remix Of A Original Turtle Project Track


This was the first time I heard a track and I instantly thought that I really wanted to make a remix of it.
It's that noisy beat that spoke to me ;).

The original track is from @theturtleproject and I love it.

I was very surprised to hear such music from Turtle, as it is very different than anything I have heard of him so far. If you do not know his music yet, I recommend to listen to his tracks/songs.

I asked @theturtleproject if I could remix the track and he said yes.

Thought, asked and done :)

And what makes me really happy is that The Turtle Project liked my remix..yaiiii :))

I think the track fits in well with the current season as Halloween music because its atmosphere is a bit dark.

Just push the button and listen:

or listen on Choon:

Here is a link to the original track - check it out!!! ::

Thanks for visiting!! Much love..Psio❤️

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