

Today I want to talk about a somewhat diffuse concept that always creates a bit of controversy because of the ways it has to be interpreted, that is, musicality. The RAE brings us a very simple definition: Quality or musical character. What? Yes, Something so great in so few words, but of course, this is the Dictionary of the Spanish Language and not of musicality, so it is understood the abstract meaning. Looking for information about the musicality I find that the concept is not clearly unified as it usually happens when we refer to the characteristics of music, this being related to musical praxis and lesthetics and outside this field, in the field of rhetoric .

Musicality is related to the beautiful, the aesthetic and the tangible of music, but also refers to what is born inside, what permeates the soul, what is perceived and not only in music also in literature and in a concrete way in poetry. An example of this may be the rhetorical figure of alliteration, which consists of achieving a sound effect through the intentional use of phonemes, as we can see in these words by the poet Rubén Darío: Under the wing aleve of the slight fan. In this verse, the sounds make feel contained tenderness, it is rhythm sense, they are the ones that fly like a sigh.

Returning to music (and also dance), we start with a visual musicality, which is what is heard and read, but in parallel there is also a felt musicality, which is the one that is inside us and each of us behaves in different degrees . It is the one that removes the stomach and snatches, not only the performers, but also the audience that sees something else and has the capacity to feel what they hear and see. Although music can be something physical in a score, the musicality starts off those nuances that are not perceived at first sight and that makes the musician reach a moment of total cohesion with the sounds, which are an extension of himself. It is therefore that something else that makes the player who plays and the listener feel chills, making the concept of musicality not something that can be learned in an explicit way, but rather the need to express and feel. Could it be the answer to what it feels like when we live music intensely and isolate ourselves from the world?

Just as I think that this way of feeling is something inherent in each person and can not be learned in a concrete way, if it can be facilitated by music education from an early age, because in the learning of music not only It is a matter of sight and hearing, it is also something, call it musicality or whatever comes up, which even today is impossible to explain with words. For those who are older and want to learn music and play an instrument Who knows? Maybe your musicality is knocking on the door, and now is the time to teach him to see the world. What do you think?

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