How to be a God of the guitar?

Would you like to be a guitar magician? To reach the rank of "maestro de la guitarra", that is, a charismatic guitarist with exceptional talent, you have to pay a price. It's about eating, breathing and sleeping guitar. Continue reading to follow the path of legendary guitarists like Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Yngwie Malmsteen, Eddie Van Halen, Angus Young and Randy Rhoads, maybe you have what it takes, maybe not, there's only one way to discover it.



1 Start playing now.

The greatest among the greats began to become familiar with their guitars as soon as they got their hands on them, however there are many great guitarists who never played a guitar until their teens (for example Clapton and Lennon) or even older (Glenn Tipton, KK Downing , Tom Scholz). If you are a teenager and have never played a guitar, do not be discouraged, it is never too late to be a god of the guitar. The point is to start playing as soon as you can. Stop making excuses, to say that you need the perfect guitar, or to wait until you are "inspired", do not waste a minute more to learn how to develop your god of the internal guitar. There is no reason to wait.

There are many chances that you are not good at first. Everyone starts being bad, and from there they can improve. I look like this, babies are bad at walking, little children struggle to talk, but they still do it without feeling bad about themselves. With the passage of time these children grow enough to kick your face and insult your mother

Is not it enough for a good guitar? Buy an economical guitar to start. You just need to get used to the new movement of your fingers. It is only a temporary measure (see Warnings) but worse is nothing.

2 "Practice until your fingers bleed."

Maybe the bloody fingers are not a great idea, but the concept is understood. Eddie Van Halen used to walk around his house with the guitar hanging and disconnected, practicing non-stop. He would sit on his bed for hours with a guitar while the other people went to parties. Are you prepared and willing to do the same? Put your priorities in order and learn to do several tasks at once. It's all about dedication and discipline.


3 Surround yourself with talented musicians.

Have you ever heard the sayings "in such a stick" or "tell me who you are with and I will tell you who you are"? Both are true. If you want to be a god of the guitar, you will have to play along with the best guitarists you can find. You will learn more in a month playing with an experienced guitarist, of what you will learn in a year practicing alone. If you do not know some, go and know them. Go to local concerts and introduce yourself to guitarists, or connect with local musicians online.


'"Be precise" Being started does not give you reasons to be careless.

As in Tai Chi, if you practice slowly concentrated at 100 percent, you will become five times better and faster, so when you practice do it slowly and concentrate. You will be surprised by the results.
If you do not have an experienced instructor, or high quality equipment, it can be complicated, but you have to be a perfectionist with your technique. Do your homework and ask. Be persistent. If you know a good guitarist, do not be shy, approach him with the guitar and ask him kindly a minute of his time. Ask him if your fingers are properly placed in a particular chord or if your technique is correct. Most experts if they see an error commit to correct it for the love of art.


Study your idols, listen to the riffs and solos of other guitarists and learn them
Some techniques that are worth learning.
You must have the ability to touch the scales to the right and vice versa moving between scales in any tone


5 Learn to read guitar tabs.

The tablatures are the scores of the guitarists. Becoming a great guitarist requires learning some of the best guitar ballads in the world. You can search for tabs on the web. If you want to be the best you must learn from the best. Like these for example: Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Eddie Van Halen, Angus Young, Joe Perry, Keith Richards, Steve Vai, John Petrucci, Jonny Greenwood, Jimmy Page, and John Mayer. Learn some of their best songs, do not forget to play them slowly until you have learned them.


6 Study classical music.

It may seem very different to the music you would like to play, but practically all the geniuses of the guitar have studied classical music at some point in their lives. For example Malmsteen, was strongly influenced by the virtuoso 19th century violinist Niccolo Paganini. In the process of adapting pieces by Paganini to the guitar, he developed a prodigious technique that would later impress the masses. Also before discovering the freedom of the guitar, Eddie Van Halen began his musical aspirations by playing the classical piano. Randy Rhoads was an avid performer and admirer of classical music.

7 Learn to read sheet music.

Stevie Ray Vaughn was amazing and did not know how to read sheet music, but if you sit down to learn to read and write sheet music, you will have an advantage. You will not only learn what sounds good, but you will learn to write it and you will know deeper elements of music

8 Know the theory of chords.

Learn all the chords and inverses that you can. Familiarize yourself with its sound and why it is used. Even if you do not play jazz, knowing the notes and chords of jazz will make your solos more interesting. Some of the best rock guitar solos are very influenced by jazz

9 Touch with emotion.

Once you have developed skills, you can use the guitar as a means to freedom of expression. You can feel the music in your blood and make other people feel it. Remember that the most respected musicians of all time are those who could "move" others emotionally through their music. Music is a means of communication, if you have something to express, strive so that what you hear represents what you feel. Believe that you can become a great guitarist, that will make a big difference.


I hope you have served these tips so they can be better every day.

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