10 tips to gain inspiration when we write songs


Generating new ideas for when we are lacking in inspiration when composing a song is a challenge. Should we wait for the muse of inspiration to return? Without doubts: no! That the muse of inspiration finds you working would say Picasso,

Especially useful for when we are stuck with a section like a verse or a chorus and we do not know how to continue. It also works if we want to start composing something new

How to gain inspiration to compose?

What to do when we do not drop an idea to generate a new section? When we're stuck or do not feel like finishing the song?

What a dilemma! Do not abandon! One of the most common problems is that we have a great chord pattern, for example (IIm-IV-VI) for some section like a verse or chorus which we are very happy but we got stuck because that melody got stuck in our heads and We do not know how to continue.

Here are some suggestions on how to continue when we are stuck, they also serve to take into account when starting a song from scratch:

10 suggestions to achieve inspiration

a) Reverse the order: If we are looking for a quick solution, it is best to try investing the order of the chord pattern (I-V-IV-IIm) or some part of them (V-IIm-IV-I).

b) Time: Another option is to change the time, play doubling the length of time or reducing by half each chord depending on the rhythm it takes to generate the opposite effect and a change of rhythm. We can double the bars or the times. Let's say instead of 1 beat in do 2, or change the times let's say we have 4 times in black of do accelerate the beat to eighth notes for the same duration of the beat.

c) Compass type: Try changing the type of compass we normally use. For example, if the song is in 4/4 we can try with measures of ¾, to see that it comes out.

d) Instrumentation and playing: Another interesting option is to change the tactics that we use, for example if it is torn we can arpegiate the chord or palm mute, and if we can because we do not try to use another instrument for that section. A simple example of this is the song "Smell like teen spirit" by Nirvana, which almost became a formula, in the verses the base of drums and the bass is emphasized and the guitar is used to bring the climax in the refrains.

e) Modular: we refer to changing the tone of the chord, modulating, for example if we play I-IV-V in the tone of do (Do-Fa-Sun) pass it to Sun (Sun-Re-La). Here is an article on how to easily modularize.

f) Substitution of chords: It is also possible to replace some of the chords, especially the tonic by its relative minor. For example if we use I-IV-V use VIm - IV- V. Here to read more about the relative minor.

g) Improvise with Rhythm: Use a rhythmic base, it can be the keyboard, some soft PC battery or some rhythm loop that we find out there. The idea is to use base and improvise with the chords of the song a new rhythm with the guitar or piano.

h) Variation of number of chords: If we have a section with many chords a good idea is to reduce them. For example, use three basic good. Now, if our song has few chords try to add new chords within the harmony is excellent idea. It can also be the use of added chords such as sevenths, novenas and fourths suspended if we want to give a little more color.

i) Accentuation and rhythm: Change the rhythm and accentuation, similar to changing the time of the bars but more precisely this point refers to changing the accentuation of the punches. If we have a 4/4 rhythm that accentuates in the first and third strokes, we can try to change the accents, producing it to be more marked or longer but without changing the beat type.

j) Speed: Change the tempo, is to accelerate the speed of the song while maintaining the original proportions of the figures.


This is me, playing a song. Obviously I did not learn from night to morning, I've been in this for years. And I hope you can also be very dedicated.

Greetings, take care a lot.

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