Howdy. And a duet with Danny Hamilton. (Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel)

Here's a song I'm happy to share. This is with my friend/brother from another mother.. Danny Hamilton. @dannyhamilton.



We both love this song by Simon & Garfunkel. Danny is the only person I've ever collaborated with from the internet. As in, recorded together on the same track. (Danny is at Steemit because I told him to get over here and share his music. And so he did. And he joins @openmic sometimes, too.

But he's a very busy daddy and artist and musician... and has little time for Steemit. But he hasn't forgotten about it. He'll be back from time to time. He told me I could share his music anytime. And so here I am doing that.

I really didn't think I'd be very good at this collab, and it was SO hard to get my vocals in the appropriate range at all times, (I'm as low as I can go here on this track!) but I think we did pretty well in the end. I love the tribal feel Danny added to it. He did ALL instruments and production for this song. All I did was sing.

Proceeds from the iTunes sales of this song go 100 percent to help the Sioux people of Standing Rock, North Dakota in our efforts to protest DAPL (Dakota Access Pipeline) construction in that area and to fight DAPL construction everywhere, quite frankly. #NODAPL

That's a long story and I'll not get into it now, but just know that I hate oil companies and I hate that America still breaks Native American treaties as easily as they invent them. Happy Independence day, by the way. Have I mentioned lately that I hate fireworks? Welcome to Grinch Serena's Daily Cheer.

Here's the soundcloud link of the song, in case for some reason you're anti-YouTube or just prefer Soundcloud.

In other news, I've been meaning to live stream. I realize maybe 2 people will watch, in total, during any given stream, if any.

But that's fine with me, and I won't announce them ahead of time because it's just too much pressure to think that someone might be looking forward to a decent live stream and then end up with ME chickening out at the last minute.

You don't understand how it feels inside to be me, to be terrified of the people staring back at me and listening to me speak. It is a legitimate phobia. It gets better and worse, just depending on the day and my mood.

At the same time, it's exciting, and I want to overcome my fear. So, yeah. Who knows when I will stream for longer than a minute? I don't know. But I'll keep trying. To those who auto-upvote me, I thank you for the votes and sincerely apologize for the crap that spews out of my blog sometimes.

Here's a picture of something adorable. That's one of my kitties, Waffle. He's such a lazy laze. I wuv my wittle waffle kitty.


I am very baby-talkish with any and all animals.. I've even been known to baby talk spiders as I catch and release them from my house. Some people are very annoyed by people who baby-talk actual babies. My mom said she used to be so irritated when people would baby talk me and my sister when we were babies.

Sorry, but if you are a baby or an animal or just cute at all.. I can't help it. It's gonna happen. Even if you give me THIS FACE. I will still give you the talksies walksies. Yes I weeyiiill..


I apologize that I'm so often so terrible at replying to comments. Please know that I mean to. If you'd like to chat with me directly, I'm at discord at paintingangels(serena)#3688. I'm addicted to discord, so I will see your message if you contact me there.

Having said that, if all you say in your message is "Hi." then I will be creeped out and ignore you. I need more than that. I'm pretty demanding.

If you're interested in learning more about the helpful little educational and rewarding steem group I'm a member of called @helpie, and would like to become a dandy little helpinaut yourself, like me, especially do contact me and we'll talk about it! I'm a scout! (I love saying that.)

Until next time, I hope you have a great day, evening, night, morning!

Love to you all,
♥- Serena


Pictures ©2018 @paintingangels. Music ©2018 @dannyhamilton, shared with permission.

@helpie logo created by my super awesome sister helpienaut, @carrieallen!

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