Paige's Playlist: "Tech Noir" by GUNSHIP

Paige's Playlist, May 16 2020: "Tech Noir" by GUNSHIP

When it comes to 80s synthpop and synthrock in the modern day, few hit the sweet spot quite like GUNSHIP. The band is one of my absolute favorites, because while their sound is instantly recognizable, consistent, and nostalgic, the band is certainly not repetitive and leaning solely on nostalgia. They make great music that feels like a modern interpretation of an older style. While their newest album Dark All Day is great, I think "Tech Noir" will always be my favorite song of theirs. This song does a fantastic job of setting up the mood right from the beginning with a monologue that ends with the sudden entrance of the kicking drum and subtle synths. This instrumentation and the beautiful vocal performance creates this beautiful atmosphere that is only elevated by the gorgeous melodies in the chorus. It's a wonderful song to just close your eyes and listen to with headphones on, just letting it surround you.

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