This one time at Bandcamp, I listened to Conrad Greenleaf...

And I liked it.

It's very chill, so you have to be in the right state of mind. If you don't think you're in the right state of mind, find a potent indica, and just keep smoking until you are. It me a couple of hours, but I got there.

Just in time, too. I had been checking out the Bandcamp page for Richard In Your Mind, because I was listening to them on Spotify and very much enjoying it. As I'm known to do from time to time as it has produced pleasing results in the past, I clicked on the link which would take me to some recommendations the band (or at least whoever runs the Bandcamp account) have made.

Indeed, that's how I ended up listening to Conrad Greenleaf.

Here's the recommendation which lured me in:

Beautiful ambient synth album from our synth/samples/everything guy Conrad

I read that and thought "Okay, that sounds interesting. There were some great synths and samples on that album I just listened to several times in a row.

Upon clicking that link and being transported to the Bandcamp page for the album Shimmering Twins, a lone review caught my eye.

chrisson: If you love relaxing on your beanbag in a dimly lit room listening to 70s krautrock, Tangerine Dream, Eno and the need to own this LP!Favorite track: Shimmering Twins.

I read that and thought "well, to be honest, I've never done that... but it sounds lovely!"

So I listened to the album. And guess what? It sounds lovely. Here's one song... for the rest, you'll have to head over to Bandcamp.


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