Are you hungover? Do you need something more chill today?




This is a pretty breathtaking performance. What's interesting is so much of the music is very minimal and sparse, but it's being played by so many people. According to the video's description, "the instrumentation consists of 11 brass players, percussion, organ, and piano." On this same stage, I've seen bands with only a couple of people make music that sounds like it's being played by twice as many. This is sort of the opposite at times, but when they need it to sound huge, it does.

I'm not super hungover myself or anything, but I did want something sparse to listen to as I work on other things. I'm writing a few different posts and I'm also working on DuoLingo and playing Splinterlands. I'm multi-tasking!

Jóhann Jóhannsson was well known for some of the soundtracks or film scores he's done, but he's also released albums of his own. This is a performance of one of his albums. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2018.

One of my favorite works of his is the film score for Mandy. The film itself wasn't memorable to me, but the score certainly is. If you enjoyed the performance I've shared here today and want to check out more, I'd definitely suggest the Mandy score.

Random thought: I think I need to get Photoshop again. I used to have access to it through work, but they sort of quietly took that away from me at some point. I don't work for that company full-time anymore, so it makes sense. I didn't NEED Photoshop or Illustrator to do my job there, either, but it came in handy.

I used to make a lot of graphics for all of my posts. While they weren't like... professional, top-quality images, they were unique to me and added some flair to my posts. Luckily, I saved all sorts of them as I created them, and I made them in different color schemes and whatnot to switch it up. Now, I can kind of recycle some of them, because no one remembers the posts I used the graphics on two years ago or whatever it is.

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