Music Memoirs: My Sonic the Hedgehog OST - Guitar version

I don't actually remember when I made this, but I remember the process being arduous and fun. I have them uploaded around 2012 so they were presumably created some time before then.

The soundtracks were simple enough and catchy enough, but still, I had to write down every note of every instrument by ear and find the right - or at least suitable - synth sounds, and decide which parts of the interplaying melodies should be the guitar solo.

I've always meant to go back and finish it once and for all, perhaps choosing other Sonic games to play with, but I managed to do the majority of the game, and certainly the tracks that matter. The playlist is as follows, in no particular order:

  • Title Screen
  • Green HIll Zone
  • Marble Zone
  • Starlight Zone
  • Labyrinth Zone
  • Level Clear
  • Spring Yard Zone
  • Scrap Brain
  • Sonic Boss
  • Final Boss

Here's 3 you can enjoy now. I may upload more if demand calls for it, but I guess people are too young these days to even know what Sonic the Hedgehog is!

This one actually holds my favourite transcribing moment. The final chord is so juicy and jazzy, it took me a few minutes to get it figured out. The chord itself was fairly simple, just pick out each note, but the order and emphasis was a little tricky. Worth it.

This is just the best Sonic track, so easily the most fun one to make.

This one has my favourite bass line of anything ever, so I really ramped up the volume of it to make a statement. It's pretty prominent in the original too, so it's not too obnoxious

So I think one more music memoir post should suffice. There's SO much I have that I never finished or perfected but are very significant moments in my music life, but this mini-series was never meant to be huge. Following this I might do a weekly music post, perhaps a challenge by the audience telling me what to write, or a video walkthrough of me making a soundtrack, or lessons on how to mix/produce music, there's a lot of ideas I could do.

Lemme know what you'd be interested in!

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