The lyrics to life's song


You know when you hear a certain song and suddenly one of your emotions get heightened or you just listen to a song and can't help to stand up and dance, it's because music has a way of carrying a certain vibe.

No matter who you are you have an song in your heart. Another great thing about music is that it can connect you to people or if you're feeling down it can let you shut the whole world out.

The lyrics and rhythm

Each lyric of a song has a very important meaning so does the rhythm. It's the same as in life, every lesson is important and the way you choose to live life. If your rhythm in life doesn't fit with your lyrics you should try and change one of them.


Well you can't make mistakes and say you're gonna learn from them but then keep making the same mistakes over and over again. You can't be a positive person but say negative things about everything. Your life needs to be in harmony just like the lyrics and rhythm of a song.

Another thing is that when you're happy you enjoy the song, but when you're sad you understand the lyrics. Sometimes you sing along to a song but don't know what they're singing, till you one day sit and just listen to every word they're singing.

Giving thanks

Our music is always there for us no matter what. At times you blast yours speakers and at other times you plug in you heard- or earphones.

We all know why we rather play certain songs on ear- or headphones, it's because we don't want everyone to hear the song you're playing, you'd rather share music you know everyone will enjoy. On that same note, each person has a certain genre of music.

The music you listen to defines who you are. Now for the important part. Have you ever thanked your earphones, headphones, speakers and the music?

Yes, it sounds weird, but just think about it, music never lets you down. When ever you needed it, it was there. So next time you're listening to music, take a moment and thank it for always being there for you.

And if you love music just as much as I do, join my music group on WhatsApp. Here's the link:

Just remember music never lets you down so live life loud and play the music.

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