Misheard Lyrics


Music has always been a part of my daily life. I can't remember a day that has gone listening to or just hearing a song. Even when I was in college the commute to and from school has been bearable due to playing songs on a digital player and later on a mobile phone.

I think that every single song has its own allure and unique ring to it. It may be that catchy tune, that enticing beat, or those insane vocals of the artist, but for me, I always seem to love a song depending on its lyrics. Being a self-proclaimed wordsman, I am amazed by the choice of words and phrases by the songwriters and how they blend the letters to fit into the rhythm.

I believe that the words to a song can make or break its likability and its impact. A song can be hit if the lyrics are memorable and relatable enough to be embraced the public. And as it is open to everyone, any person can have a different interpretation to a line or to the whole song. I can still remember that one from the artist of the decade Taylor (my love) Swift. If you're not familiar with the phrase "Starbucks Lover" then you might want to listen to the song called Blank Space, and I am telling you, right here and right now, once you heard it, you can never unhear it. :)

As I said before, I tend to place my decision whether I love a song or not on its lyrics that's why I intently listen to each word when I hear a new song. There is this one song that I was totally captivated by the first time I heard it because of a specific line from there that caught not only my attention but my whole attitude in life (lately) apparently.

The line goes : "We play games a lot to avoid the depression."

Before I tell you which song this is from (if you don't already know), I would like to tell you first why I fell in love with it just by hearing this single line alone.

Games? Yep! I do love playing games. Although I am not a hardcore gamer like most of us these days, I spend so much time playing games. I am not the type to try everything that's new or popular, I just stick to the types of games I usually play, like basketball simulation games. For the past months, I have been hooked in playing Slam Dunk mobile. It's a basketball simulation game in which the playable characters are from the old-school anime "Slam Dunk".

This show is a classic and might be popular with folks in their late 20's or people in their early to late 30's. The game's quite entertaining and nostalgic. It's an online multiplayer game so you can also play with friends or battle it out with players from several countries. The game also has an extensive game modes where you can test your skills against other experienced players.

Going back to the song, I can't say that I am depressed, I certainly do hope that I am not, but I find playing this and other games to be relaxing, a sort of escaping the real stressful world. That's just for me, but when you think about it, why is the games industry so lucrative and successful? Do I share the same sentiment with billions of other people who play games most of their free time? And heck, not to mention the many game streamers that are quite a in demand today. It got me thinking that is the world that depressed that most of us rely on such things to occupy our minds and our time?

So I have been singing the same song aloud and on my mind repeatedly, it came to me to look for the lyrics for the whole song and I went to Youtube and search for it: "Mood" and then I added "lyrics".

It was then when I realized how much of a fool I was, singing proudly that very same line only to find out that the correct line was : "We play games OF LOVE to avoid the depression..."

Suddenly it makes a lot more sense, romantically and poetically. After all, why would they say a plain depressing fact in a song right? Playing games a lot to avoid depression is just a simple statement that brings nothing to the mind but a sad realization while "playing games of love" pulls the strings of the heart along with the romantic imagination. But somehow, I lost some of my affection for the song. Personally, I believe that when you mess and play games of love you tend to be depressed and stressed out, it is by no means an escape from depression.

Overall, it is still a good song but I just wished that the lyrics that I heard were the right ones, even now, when I hear that song, "we play games a lot " still plays in my brain, just like how I can still hear "Starbucks lovers" from Taylor Swift. And just to be clear, I AM NOT COMPLAINING. :)

Lead image from Pexels.com : Photo by Breakingpic from Pexels

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