From today, the 2019 is a good place!

One month ago has been released the latest album of one of my favourite band ever IMAGINE DRAGONS, which makes their fun soooo happy releasing their new album named * Origins*.


Easy to say that they are extremely famous worldwide, especially in Europe and their concerts are always fully booked. I'm one of them who did not get the ticket on time for example ( i still have rage issues for that but it's out of the scope from this article).

I love these guys. They mash up rock, pop and folk resulting amazing tracks that makes you move no matter where you are.

This last album is focused on life choices, "origins" and diversity of lives, and there is no better to face this topic using music and lyrics. After several years they get back with totally new trakcs, less clubbish and more introspective stuff. The american band release the new album after one year from the previous masterpiece Evolve and they obviously kick the charts again getting first positions of several countries around Europe.

Here some lines on my favourite tracks ! Hope you like them too ! Enjoy !

Natural Very strong track, reminds me some nickelback and staind tracks, usefull for jogging!

Boomerang : Movin on, state the song, and this was an hint since i did not like this too much, Proabaly my bad.

Machine : Gigantish track, love this one, one of my fav ! (I am the Machine!)

Cool Out: Back to 80's, lots of guitars and drums. ROADTRIP MINDED !

Bad Liar : This guys are storytellers and this track demonstrate this thesis. This reminds me so much Mumford & Sons !

West Coast: Definitvely the best one to me. Country track, Wolkswagen Van , driving to the West Coast. Period.

Real life: Ending with fireworks. This is a bit Yorkish as soundtrack but still rocks. Slow, peacefull.

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