“Control,” (aka “She’s Lost Control”) covered by Spoek Mathambo … (Darkwave Township House – Music to Your Ears, Covers–52)

When comparing late ‘70s UK music with contemporary South African music, he noted a similar “sense of angst and darkness.”

Spoek Mathambo – “Control”


“Control” [aka “She’s Lost Control"] (2010 – original from 1979) 

More than 30 years after Joy Division’s created “She’s Lost Control,”  Spoek Mathambo reinterpreted it, in a different part of the world and from an entirely different perspective. 

Darkwave Swells

This is not post-punk, but a genre called “darkwave township house music.”  The location is not a post-industrial urban center, but a post-apartheid township in South Africa where not much has changed in recent decades. The protagonist is not a “She,”  but a “He.”  

Darkness Lingers

Mathambo has stated that, when comparing the late ‘70s music of Joy Division with contemporary South African house music, he noted a similar “sense of angst and darkness.”  That darkness is expressed in the stark contrast of black and white throughout the video.    

As hinted at by the cold tombstones, the religious icons and imagery, and the mysterious cultic rituals, it’s not only a single woman who’s lost control. Instead, it’s a whole society that’s gone out of control, and apparently lost control of its destiny.   

In 2011, this video won the “Gold Award”  at the South African Lories.   (Image source)

Spoek Mathambo

Spoek Mathambo is the stage name of the South African musician Nthato Mokgata.  Since the late 2000s, he has made a name for himself by drawing on a broad range of musical influences. (The name Spoek Mathambo translates to “Ghost Skeleton.”)   

This Machine Kills Nobody

In the late 2000s, Mathambo released several EPs.

In 2011, he released his debut album, “Mshini Wam,”  whose title came from an anti-apartheid-era song that means “Bring Me My Machine Gun.”  While it might remind us of the message on Woody Guthries’ guitar, “This machine kills fascists,”  Mathambo assures us that his aim is simply to “express a new wave of electronic African music blowing through the continent.”   

To date, Spoek Mathambo has released 5 solo albums, as well as numerous other recordings in collaboration with various other musicians.   (Image source)

Confusion in her eyes that says it all
She's lost control
And she's clinging to the nearest passer by
She's lost control
And she gave away the secrets of her past
And said I've lost control again
And of a voice that told her when and where to act
She said I've lost control again

And she turned around and took me by the hand
And said I've lost control again
And how I'll never know just why or understand
She said I've lost control again
And she screamed out kicking on her side
And said I've lost control again
And seized up on the floor, I thought she'd die
She said I've lost control
She's lost control again
She's lost control

Well I had to phone her friend to state my case
And say she's lost control again
And she showed up all the errors and mistakes
And said I've lost control again
But she expressed herself in many different ways
Until she lost control again
And walked upon the edge of no escape
And laughed I've lost control
She's lost control again
She's lost control

note – These lyrics are from the Joy Division original. I was unable to find or decipher any of the new lyrics by Spoek.

        Joy Division – “She’s Lost Control” (original album version)    
          (Right-click to hear on YouTube)

Lyrics by Ian Curtis, courtesy of – AZLyrics.com
Reference – Wikipedia
Reference – Wikipedia
Reference – TheQuietus.com

Into your ears … through 5 channels

 The various posts are categorized into 5 channels (Right-Click to see details)

         1 – “Music to Your Ears” (MTYE)

         2 – “Cover Versions”

         3 – “Honor Roll”

         4 – “Documentaries”

         5 – “Mock’n’Roll”

More “Cover Versions” ...

         Cover Versions – Music to Your Ears "Posts 1~20"  

         Cover Versions – Music to Your Ears "Posts 21~40"  

Links to my other series ...

          Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 1"
          Lou Reed – "Anthology of Memorable Lyrics, Part 2"

          Great Lyrics, a compilation – “Part One – My Lyrics Posts 3~30”
          Great Lyrics, a compilation – “Part Two – My Lyrics Posts 31~60”  

          Vocab-Ability – "Introduction to Vocab-Ability"  
          Vocab-Ability – "Index"  to all Chapters and Sections  

          Notes from Under the Tatami Mats – "Part One – Notes 1~50"  
          Notes from Under the Tatami Mats – "Part Two – Notes 51~87"  

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