Gig time Wazifa

With 3 days left before the solstice and our first gig with the new members of the band. We've been working rehearsing a lot last couple of weeks. This week there will be a rehearsal every day.

The most important mission is to get the icing on the cake. Kristalizing the raw into the smooth.

Last Sunday we enjoyed a great party organized by our bass player lioness. The food was amazing; from vegetarian to paella the famous Spanish dish, yellow rice with seafood. And as a desert cheese and chocolate cake. All been watered down with some cool beers.

We performed a bit of our own songs. Which in my humble opinion are amazingly written by Ade. The singer songwriter. Some songs carry a strong social observation of the refugee camp in Calais. Or the police violence in the USA against colored people.

All together I'm very pleased to be part of this amazing band. Today i would meet Chris Stewart the formel genesis member and author of driving over lemons 🍋. A book written in and over the life in Andalusia the alpujarras.
Unfortunately it didn't went on and has been delayed till further notice.

This week more updates about us and the life in las alpujarras.


Here by the Spanish letter info about us. The translation into English follows tonight.

Musica funk, soul, reggae mezclado con el brillo del sol.
Cantante principal: Adé.
Coro: Fiona, Alexa y Julia.
Bajo: Lioness.
Guitara: Joe y León.
Saxofono: Chris.
Bataria: Kev.
Violín: Alexa.
Teclado: Julia.
Somos un grupo de 9 artistas formad@s en Orgiva, Octubre 2017 con origenes variad@s desde África, Europa y Sud América. Somos pasionad@s por la música y amantes de las Alpujarras, asi, algunos de las canciones están inspirados por la beleza y abundancia natural de las montañas. El cantante principal, Adè, es el canto autor de la banda, entonces nuestr@s temas son originales. Hemos actuado dos vezes en Orgiva, en El Molino y El Contraste. Ambos tenia buen exito y con el local lleno de gente. Tenemos material surficiente para un actuación de 1 hora y media.

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