Artist/TrackOfTheDay! - Sean Price / Prisoner, Imperious Rex (Posthumous album released after his death) // Music Video + Videos++

Sean Price

March 17, 1972 – August 8, 2015

Sean Price was an incredible lyricist, and really brought something to his game. He was technical, funny and had insane bars. I started listening to Sean way back in the 90s when he was part of Heltah Skeltah. Today i want to show you a track and a video which you can find on his posthumous album "Imperious Rex" released in 2017.

Incredible bars. You will surely be missed.

Do any of you guys remember MTV Cribs? That TV show where they visisted artists big and fancy homes?
Sean Price attended this show too, but in his own way :

He always were up to some funny shit, not taking himself seriously at all. Which is a trait most rappers lack :) Sean was just Sean. He also showed up in a episode of "Pawn Stars" where he went in tried to pawn a potato (go figure)

Sean also hated the new mumble rappers, and created a show called "rap clinic" where he was supposed to "save" wack ass rappers...

Sean Price will be remembered! Hope you liked my Artist/TrackOfTheDay!


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