Would you help me persuade this AMAZING pianist to post regularly on steemit?

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Hi everyone

One of my great friends Angelo Villani is a fantastic classical pianist. Good enough to be invited to The Tchaikovsky international piano competition many years ago but he had to withdraw with a hand injury that kept him off the circuit for decades (the gloves are part of that story). He plays in the style of the 19th century Romantic pianists and to hear him is to enter another world. After years of medical treatment he miraculously made a comeback concert a few years ago in London and has since played across Europe and Japan. I want to gauge your interest for watching more of his music on steemit and rewarding him in steem. if this gets upvoted I will pay him the amount it gets as this post is about him not making me money. And he will probably spend it on a good bottle of red wine if I know him. Get him to join this and he'll share his wine recommendations too - and where to import it from Italy. I couldn't find a wine category but if you want that then say it in the comments as he'd probably love nothing more than to be one of your regular posters on this.

If you like this I will do one other post of a radio interview with him on Radio 3 as I've got the start of an idea that he could potentially do a weekly youtube introduction to composers, pieces and pianists that he loves - he is fantastic talking about music to the layman.

I want to test these ideas out on you first. If enough people up vote the two posts I put up about him and ask for him to play in the comments or to launch a video series then I'll show him the comments and steem and try to persuade him to join steemit.

This is the first half of his comeback concert in London in 2012

Here is the review of his comeback in The Times

Below is a link to his CD on Amazon
It got the rare and prized 5 stars from top critic Bryce Morison in International Piano magazine. Again in the comments will you let me know if this caused you to buy any of his CDs as that will also encourage him to come and join this community and build a following here.

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