"Beautiful Music" - Inspirational HipHop / Piano, Downtempo, spoken wordish

This is a song I recorded a few years ago. It's probably one of my favorites I've ever done. I honestly can't wait til I can set up my mic in a little homemade booth again, which is already in the works. The quality is night and day in comparison to what I'm able to do now with the mic just in the middle of my living room.

I am going to be trying really hard over the next couple weeks to raise the vocal quality to hopefully get close to this.

The song itself is just about my need to create. How I have these sounds, colors, etc. in my head and I just need to put them out into the world, it's about my struggle to create what I hear and see. As an artist, I think that's the toughest thing to do, just to have your vision manifest. Especially when I have never been trained on any type of music, it's very difficult, but that'll never stop me from trying and learning!! Life is just one big creative process.

I hope you enjoy this beautiful music.

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