I made my dream come true

Each of us has an idol, sometimes even a few. One of the people I admire and I really value is Pink. I fell in love with her music while still being a teenager. I was 15, when her first album came out and since permanently got a place in my playlist. With each subsequent album, I loved it more and more. Her songs often reflected my feelings and views on various matters. Many songs helped me go through the hard days of my life. With her music, she often helped me to get up and move on to my dreams.
Ever since I can remember, I really wanted to go to her concert. And during my vacation, this dream has come true.
I bought tickets for a concert in Warsaw a few months earlier. I was counting time with impatience. And finally, July 20 came. I was excited from the morning, but I was still waiting for a few things to be done in the city. It was my second day in Warsaw, so I did not yet fully orientate myself in public transport, and the place where I was heading seemed to be close, so I decided to go on foot. The weather was beautiful, the sun was shining, so I set out with the Youngy. We dealt with the matter fairly quickly, and there was still a lot of time to the concert, so we calmly went on our way back. Here a surprise met us, from the sky began to flow first raindrops, which literally turned into a downpour. Weakened to the dry thread, we hid in a nearby cafe. I ordered a coffee, and I hoped that before I drink it, this rainy madness will end. Unfortunately, time passed, and the rain was not giving way. The apartment we stayed in, was a bit far, Time was less and less, and yet I had to change, do my makeup, etc. I started to panic, but Youngy impassively calm ordered Uber, and after a while, we were at home.
I changed quickly, I made makeup, and I was ready to make my dreams come true.
The downpour ended, and the sun looked out from behind the clouds, so we set off. There were hundreds of people around the stadium, all waiting impatiently for the Star of the evening. After going through security checks, we were directed to the tent, where we got wristbands and instructions to which of the stadium entrance we should go. I could not go without a souvenir, that's why I bought a blouse with the image of my idol.
Bang Bang Romeo performed before Pink, their vocalist has a fantastic voice, then Vance Joy performed, who delighted me with his guitar playing, well, I have a weakness for guitar.
It became to be more and more crowded, people chanted "Pink! Pink! Pink!". I could not wait when I finally hear her beautiful voice. And then it got dark around. Take a look at the videos below. I will warn you immediately movies were filmed with iPhone, so the quality is what it is, I assembled them myself, and it was my first time, so forgive amateurishness.

My emotions during the concert reached the zenith, just one of my dreams came true. I laughed, I shared a tear or two, I sang, danced and felt unspeakable happiness.
Pink's performance is a fantastic show, which I had the honour to witness, will stay in my memory forever. I am grateful that the universe let me fulfil this dream. As for Pink, well, I love her even more, and I hope that I will have a chance to meet her again.

xoxo Jagodzianka

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