Joviac - A Progressive Rock Band From Finland


I was just minding my own business one beautiful July evening and strolling around the streets of Tampere. I sat to the bench in front of Laikunlava, a stage near a former boiler room of a former factory complex. Nowadays it's a music club called G Livelab.

There were three bands performing that evening on Laikunlava, I had just missed the first one, but I thought that it wouldn't kill me if I stayed and waited for the second band.

As the band started and continued playing, I thought to myself that this is not bad at all. So I stayed and listened the whole, almost an hour long gig. Once again, as many times before, I cursed myself for being so lazy that I hadn't taken my proper camera with me, so that I could have been like that guy who photographs the band in the video right in front of them. I especially would have wanted to capture all the cool lunges and poses the guy in the right side of the stage did. But unfortunately, as I am pretty lazy, you and I, meaning us all, will now have to settle for the photos and video taken with my Huawei P9. And it's crappy digital zoom.

Next time, baby, next time I will be a little less lazy.

That will be one of those days that nothing, NOTHING worth photographing happens.

But let's not think about that now.

If you're not impressed by the sound quality my Huawei phone has to offer, look for the full album YouTube link down below.

I fell in love with Joviac a bit.

I love songs that are unpredictable and a little bit of experimental. Not crazy unpredictable, but just enough. Well, sometimes crazy unpredictable and really experimental, but that depends on various stuff. Like my current mood and how well the band still plays what it plays. The songs that I heard from Joviac were just enough unpredictable for my taste. Just as progressive rock should be. Although I don't thing they've started playing progressive rock genre in their minds, I guess they just started playing music they like and it turned out to be progressive rock. :D

The mood and the vibes suited really well to the summer evening that day.

If you want to hear more from Joviac, go to their YouTube page. You can find their full album there. And if you like what you hear, you know what to do. Support the artists and appreciate their hard work by spreading the word and buy their songs.


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