Mi historia (My story)

Hola, saludos a la comunidad Steemit.com, mi nombre es Daniel Mendoza, músico (baterista), compositor, arreglista y productor musical; Gracias a la música, he conocido a muchas personas, no sólo del ámbito musical, sino de otras artes. Gracias a ella, se ha abierto un mundo de infinitas posibilidades, poco a poco iré contando una por una, las maravillosas experiencias que me ha brindado. @hectgranate fue quien me invitó a formar parte de esta comunidad.

Hello, greetings to the Steemit.com community, my name is Daniel Mendoza, musician (drummer), composer, arranger and music producer; Thanks to music, I have met many people, not only from the musical field, but also from other arts. Thanks to her, a world of infinite possibilities has opened, little by little I will count one by one, the wonderful experiences that she has given me. @hectgranate was the one who invited me to be part of this community.






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