Original Piano Compositions (feedback appreciated)

Hello, I have been a casual piano player for about 12 years. I am self-taught and took it very seriously for the first few years but then it drifted into a hobby and I would only play a couple times a month.

About half a year ago, I had a life-changing experience that caused me to be very introspective and ask myself what I was passionate about. I suddenly found myself yearning to play the piano again. Recently, I began playing live music with friends and composing some of my own music. I have always been afraid of rejection and putting myself in any form of spotlight but I am eager to know if anyone might believe I have something to offer the musical world. Regardless, I will continue playing simply because I love it so much :)

 These are some videos I took with my iPhone (sorry in advance for the amateur video/sound quality) of some of my compositions. I get nervous when the camera starts rolling so there may be a few mistakes here and there but overall I am proud of how they turned out. Thanks for listening and please let me know what you think! 

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