Adrian Rowe - Burden (ORIGINAL SONG/TECHNO)

I've been sitting on some new music for a while now.

There are a handful of reasons for this, most of them stemming from two places.

First, I'm still in the military and I've had probably the busiest year of my life in terms of work.


Second, I've been withholding projects to tweak endlessly in a constant state of 90% finished because I can never just say something is done. (I think my music making friends will understand this one on some level)

So, here is the good news. During this last deployment I got a real chance to just sit down and make music. Music I was actually happy with while completely disconnected from the internet.

I'm also ready to start posting some things again. Music that once I've gotten a distance from I feel better about.

I'll be posting two tracks this week and this is the first of them.

Burden was a track named after breaking my writers block. It's driving drums, a little intensity, and a not so subtle melody that has wormed its way into my head.

Recorded in Ableton but featuring some choice hardware. It's one of those tracks that's a little closer to my idea of what music I want to make.

I hope you enjoy it.


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