
Making music, is like a love affair, sometimes It can be so sweet and other times sour ๐Ÿ‹. Iโ€™ve been making music since I was thirteen years old. I started off learning the art of the freestyle and soon began working on my own songs. I would kick little verses about my adventures with my friends in Panama. When I moved to California, I did my first real solo performance and it was awful.... I remembered all of my lines, but I was terriefied and stiff during the whole performance. I felt so defeated and insecure at the time, but that experience helped to toughen me up. I realized that if I wanted to be a part of this industry, the. I would first need to work on my confidence and stage presence.

Itโ€™s funny how you can feel so confident and then in a blink of an eye, itโ€™s reduced to a grain of rice. Despite that moment, I have continued to work towards my music goals, and am just recently seeing the fruits of my labor. I was determined to never give up on my music goals, because I truly love it. I love singing, writing, rapping, and making music. It fills my soul with such joy!

Music is like a soothing therapy, a language that knows no barriers. Music is something we can all relate to and understand. A single song can take you back to a moment in time, whether it be good or bad. These are just a few of the reasons I love music, and continue to create my art to share with the world. Below, I have shared another track with you guys and I urge all artists to share links to your creations in the comments below!

I look forward to hearing all the dope music ๐Ÿ˜€

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