Musician’s Guide to Steemit FUNDRAISER POST Round 2 - a Non-Profit Steem Marketing Initiative

Can you chip in with an upvote?

Round 1 was a success - $767 raised! We need $1,700 more to make this project a reality, taking us one step closer to 10x-ing the number of musicians on Steemit.

All proceeds from this post (including Steem Power) will be transferred to @musiciansguide and used exclusively for the Musician’s Guide to Steemit project.

Last Week’s Fundraiser Results

Ten days ago I made the first fundraising post for this project. We boldly asked for help in raising $2,700, a whole lot of money by my standards, but I knew that we had to do it. After all this project is crucial for growing Steem's music community.

We are barely getting started and already the book is making a difference. I’ve heard from dozens of users who are already using the lessons from the book, literally reading the very first drafts of the chapters and using the information to get more followers and earn more money sustainably on Steemit.

For that reason, I know we are doing the right thing. After last week's post went live, I waited and paced back and forth until the votes started rolling in... and I knew everything was going to be great.

The post earned $270 in “Steem Token Units,” which in case you didn’t know, is not the same thing as the amount of USD value the post earned. The value of rewards displayed on the website is vastly lower than real payouts - kinda funny, given that most blockchains are overexaggerating their profits.

We can use a Steemit Reward value calculator to see the real USD value based on today’s prices, and it turns out that we have raised $767 so far, putting us 28.4% of the way towards our goal.

As the graphic towards the top of the post indicates, we need to raise about $1,700 more.

How to Support the Musician’s Guide to Steemit

There are two ways that you can help - and the first one doesn’t cost you any time or money:

(1) Upvote and/or resteem this post. Your vote, no matter how large or small, can go a long way towards supporting this project. Everybody who votes for this project will receive a special thanks at the end of the book.

(1b) Large Voter Credit: All voters who give this project a vote worth $50 USD or more are eligible for a front-of-book “Platinum Tier” special thanks credit (I will confirm with you before putting your name there) - if you want to discuss this, please message me on Steemit Chat or leave a comment.

(2) Donate funds directly. If you want to go above and beyond in your support for this project, direct donations are greatly appreciated. All direct donors (minimum for inclusion: 1 SBD or 1 Steem) will receive “Gold Tier” Special Thanks in the book.

(2b) If you are looking to provide significant support to the Steem blockchain, you could make a major donation of $1,000 USD or more to this project. At this level, you can have any kind of credit you want (executive producer, “Made Possible With a Generous Donation By [Name]”, etc) on the “inside” of the digital front cover. It would be mind-blowing in the best way if you did this.

Please reach out to @heymattsokol via Steemit Chat BEFORE sending a major donation if the specific terms of the credit are important to you.

To donate funds, transfer them directly to @musiciansguide and leave your message to us (if any) in the memo. I’ll talk with everybody who does this before the book is finalized.

BTW - I want to give a quick thank you to @thesimpson for donating a direct 1 SBD to the @musiciansguide account last week. Thanks to our first direct donor!

Thank You For Supporting the Musician’s Guide to Steemit

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. We will do one of these fundraising posts each week until we reach our total goal of $2,700 raised.

Remember, you can make a difference. The story of Steem is being written right now. Will you help us make it an incredible one?

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