FUNDRAISING POST: Can You Spare An Upvote to Fund "The Musician's Guide to Steemit"?

We are raising USD $2,700 for a decentralized, non-profit Steem Marketing project. Can you chip in?

All SBD proceeds from this post will go directly to the project fund held at @musiciansguide. Proof will be posted of the funds transfer in 8 days

The Musician’s Guide to Steemit is designed to do two things:

(1) Be the definitive guide that enables any musician to build an audience on Steemit, and,

(2) Increase the number of active musicians on Steem by 10x.

You can find the original post about this project here.

Here’s the first drafts of the Introduction, Chapter One, Chapter Three, and Chapter Four.

You can also see all these posts on our open source repository at Penflip.

This is the Penflip interface

To give you an idea of what we are raising funds for right now - here’s a brief list of roles we have to hire: Project Administrator, Graphic Artists, Cover Artist, Book Designer, Editor. (promotion will be Phase 2 with its own budget)

Here's a detailed list of jobs and pay rates showing exactly how the money will be spent (scroll towards the bottom).

And, best of all - each of these roles will be hired from WITHIN the Steem community. Not only will this money go towards marketing Steem, it’ll also go towards employing steemians. Double Whammy!

So far we have 50 SBD, or about $300USD, earmarked for the project. That leaves us with $2,400 left to raise.

How You Can Help

I’m asking you to do one of two things:

(1) Upvote and/or resteem this post. The vote in particular is a no-brainer, to be honest: It doesn’t cost you a thing and every cent goes directly towards bettering the Steem platform.

(2) Donate funds directly. If you want to go above and beyond in your support for this project, direct donations are greatly appreciated. All direct donors will receive Special Thanks in the book.

To donate funds, transfer them directly to @musiciansguide with "DONATION" in the memo. If you prefer, you can send donations directly to me @heymattsokol with the same "DONATION" memo and I'll send it to the Musician's Guide account along with photo proof in the comments.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. We will do one of these fundraising posts each week until we reach our total goal of $2,700 raised.

this is a @sndbox project.

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